As general Anybody changing from CIM_ComputerSystem to PG_ComputerSystem will not have any issue.

On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Jan Safranek <> wrote:
On 10/04/2013 05:49 PM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> Do I understand correctly that this will be effectively an
> internal-only change (from the perspective of people consuming only
> OpenLMI interfaces)? i.e. tests written against openlmi-storage or
> openlmi-account wouldn't need to be updated?

Good question. All SMI-S use cases start with 'Find CIM_ComputerSystem
representing the storage system' and 'find services XYZ using UVW
association'. In reality, I doubt anyone finds services and other useful
objects this way - at least in our scripts we just directly enumerate
LMI_XYZService instances, there is no need to traverse through

If we take our scripts as example usage, the change to PG_ComputerSystem
won't break anything.

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Warm Regards
OpenPegasus Developer/Committer

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