
Could you please help me for resolving this issue.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 3:22 PM, George varghese <georgooty@gmail.com> wrote:

I have modified the class,
class GK_Test::CIM_LogicalElement
[Key]string BtnTest1;
[Key]string BtnTest2;

After registering it, solved tje keybinding issue when test it by using wbemcli, but the old issue still remains.

***:5988/root/cimv2:GK_Test.BtnTest1=,BtnTest2= Generation=,ElementName="GK_Test",Description="Read test  details.",Caption="GK_Test",InstanceID="GK_Test",PrimaryStatus=,OperatingStatus=,DetailedStatus=,CommunicationStatus=,HealthState=,Status=,StatusDescriptions=,OperationalStatus=,Name=,InstallDate=,BtnTest1=,BtnTest2=

Please help me..


On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 10:33 PM, George varghese <georgooty@gmail.com> wrote:

I have trying to implement a custom provider. 
I have copied here a sample mof file here.

class GK_Test::CIM_LogicalElement
string BtnTest1;
string BtnTest2;

I had implemented 'EnumInstances' method.
Set properties values BtnTest1,BtnTest1, Element,InstanceID and Caption etc.

Then register it with CIMOM(sfcb).

Then I trying it with wbemcli,, In response I didn't get the BtnTest1 & BtnTest2 properties values. I got the following response,

****:5988/root/cimv2:GK_Test.*KEYBINDING="MISSING*" Generation=,ElementName="GK_Test",Description="Read test details.",Caption="GK_Test",InstanceID="GK_Test",PrimaryStatus=,OperatingStatus=,DetailedStatus=,CommunicationStatus=,HealthState=,Status=,StatusDescriptions=,OperationalStatus=,Name=,InstallDate=,BtnTest1=,BtnTest2=

me also it trying it with wsman command line tool, that response contains the same issue.

Please help me, I am in trouble. without any help I can;t go forward.

I am waiting for your response.
