I have been trying to compile the linearmeter dll for windows but it seems the projects are for VS C++ V6.0, but I don't have it, only V11.0 and the project doesn't come in and then I can not find wx.h...
I changed one line in the cpp file that I think should fix up the tick values for when min is not zero.
What is the easiest way on compiling for Windows?
Do I need to go get VS C++ V6.0? Is the free version okay?
I have been to wxWidgets, but the source does not seem to contain wx/wx.h... Where do I get these from to get compiling a dll?
wxWidgets have recently had a major uprev v3.0.0. What version header files do I need? I grabbed the old v2.8.12 but could not find any of the .h files needed for the compile when I made a Windows dll project file in VS C++ V11.0. So is anyone compiling the plugins on VS C++ V11.0? If so - how do I get this working???
your assumption is right, you do need wxWidgets 2.8.
wx/wx.h is delivered by wxWidgets, it can be found somewhere in include-directory. For Linux you need to install the devel-package, for windows you have to download the full package from wxwidgets.org, it contains all data you need. To make it easier for you to re-use the installation structure as stored in GIT please organise it as follows:
- install wxWidgets directly onto C:\ - place the contents of OpenSDK into C:\wxWidgets\demos\
Then it should find all required wxWidgets-data automagically (hopefully).
There should be no need to use VC6, you can import the .dsw and .dsp files into newer version for Visual Studio too, it should be able to convert the old-style project files.
Please note: to successfully compile the plug-ins you also have to compile liboapc and liboapcwx in order to let the plug-in link against them.
Regarding the bug: I'll have a look into the code and will add your modification in case it is really missing there - thanks for the information!
Kind regards
On 16/12/2013, Stuart Tyler styler@universalbiosensors.com wrote:
I have been trying to compile the linearmeter dll for windows but it seems the projects are for VS C++ V6.0, but I don't have it, only V11.0 and the project doesn't come in and then I can not find wx.h...
I changed one line in the cpp file that I think should fix up the tick values for when min is not zero.
What is the easiest way on compiling for Windows?
Do I need to go get VS C++ V6.0? Is the free version okay?
I have been to wxWidgets, but the source does not seem to contain wx/wx.h... Where do I get these from to get compiling a dll?
wxWidgets have recently had a major uprev v3.0.0. What version header files do I need? I grabbed the old v2.8.12 but could not find any of the .h files needed for the compile when I made a Windows dll project file in VS C++ V11.0. So is anyone compiling the plugins on VS C++ V11.0? If so - how do I get this working???
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