Hi there,
I recently downloaded OpenAPC for Windows x86 (my laptop's OS is Windows 7
Professional, 32bit) and I am getting familiar with Control Room's
functions. I have been trying to get status of digital inputs and value of
holding registers from a Siemens's PLC, which I programmed to work as a
Modbus Server, and display the result to Control Room. But I could not
succeed. I have been using some Modbus tool to check the performance of PLC
and it is still working correctly (inputs and register of PLC give correct
results to Modbus tool).
So I would like to get help from experts of OpenAPC. Particularly I would
like to have a simple example which can read status of Digital Input
Register 1 and content of Holding Regster 40001 to Holding Register 40003.
Thanks in advance