I have been playing with OpenAPC for a week now and found the following
strange actions happening in ControlRoom 3.2-1 using the Windows i386
full package.
Double clicking on a apcp project file opens Control Room, but then get
a whole heap of external plug in errors. Obviously Control Room is
trying to open elements that have not been opened by the dll as yet??
If I just open ControRoom and open the project from within ControlRoom,
there are no problems.
When I use a toggle button output to control the Digital IN 0 of
Rectangle the rectangle changes colour as expected, but a Free Line or
an Ellipse does not change colour.
The Angular Meter and Linear Meter tick values seem incorrect to me when
a non zero min value is entered. The ticks seem to be showing a delta
from the minimum. Is this the expected behaviour? It seems incorrect to
me - I am expecting the ticks to show the absolute value, to each tick
needs to have min added to them.
Also in these meters (Angular and Linear) the displayed values only show
integers. It would seem sensible to add a 'Decimal Place Digits' like in
LC Numeric Display to the Properties Tab to control how many decimal
places to show on the Angular Meter and Linear Meter display. The
default should be zero (0), but user could increase this to have the
number of decimal places displayed easily controlled.
I have some ranges that are very narrow and want to display 36.90 to
37.10 with a fine tick resolution of 0.01. This simple modification I am
sure would be useful to many situations.
The angular meter has a bug where the needle can point to outside the
min and max range. Set an angular meter to min=0, max=100, start angle =
0, end angle = 180. Provide an input of -30, and the needle points down
where -30 would be had it existed in the display. I am expecting the
display to truncate the needle position to min value if the input is
below min. Would this not be the expected behaviour?
My learning has so far been restricted to ControlRoom and reading
In manual.pdf I have noted some typos and have some suggested edits. Is
anyone interested in hearing about corrections or suggestions to this
I found the combination of the YouTube tutorial videos and the manual
were a good combination for learning about the package. It would be
great to see some more intermediate and advanced videos on all the
ControlRoom controls. It took a while to understand the 'message'
concept of OpenAPC and the manual explains this very well.
Using the analogue clock display element - you need to know to hook it
up to the Clock flow control element that outputs Unix time.
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