On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 15:55, Bryan Kearney <bkearney@redhat.com> wrote:
1) Will they get the SD card pre-formatted with Fedora in the same shipment as the XO? If so, will they realize that Fedora is not "OLPC Provided"?

They will have had to purchase it as a separate item, and it is currently not shipped through amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Fedora-Card-OLPC-XO-Laptop/dp/B001L7EGA6

Even if Amazon begins to stock them, it will be made clear that it is not supported by OLPC

2) Can you repeat step 3 to check on the status? I dont know if you understand that by reading 4 (asked another way, ow do I know it is ready?)   

Yes. In addition, the web page has instructions on how to set it up once you're ready.
