On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 5:34 AM, Gonzalo Odiard <gonzalo@laptop.org> wrote:
Hey, no so bad :)
The good news first:
The following activities starts and works:
TurtleArt, Speak, TypingTurtle, Labyrinth, Memorize,Browse, Log, Words, Help, Chat, Scratch, Distance, Finance,
Infoslicer, Implode, Terminal, Calculate, Etoys and  ImageViewer

Activities with errors:
GetBooks: no HAL (anyway we must substitute by udev)

Hal is built for F-14. I suspect nothing else is pulling it in. What does GetBooks use HAL for?
TamTam*: no blobs, probably only recompile
Puppy: starts ok and many examples work, but no the camera and no sound examples (I have not tested all)
Measure: no HAL

Hal is built for F-14. I suspect nothing else is pulling it in. What does Puppy use HAL for?
Stopwatch: do not start and do not write anything in the log file
Write: no abiword module

Martin has a build, should be in the next release.
Paint: no blobs, probably only recompile
Moon: does not start, but with a python error in the activity, must try update it
Jukebox, started but did not played a ogg file
Record: starts but only with audio
Physics: probably no binaries in egg, we must try with package pybox2d

I've pushed a F-14 build for this, is there a reason we can't use the distro package so as to remove the binary module from the Activity?
Maze: do not start and do not write anything in the log file
Read: no module webkit

webkit is a real pain and causing me problems for building. It has a huge and complex dependency chain that's failing. I'm getting there slowly but its not a small package by any description.



On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 5:35 PM, Martin Langhoff <martin@laptop.org> wrote:
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Martin Langhoff <martin@laptop.org> wrote:
> The "Switch to Fedora-14" build.
Looks like we have major framebuffer performance diference in F14.
Comparing os23 (f13) and os31 (f14), both with the same kernel...

Camera to ximagesink is much better behaved. Quick test procedure

 - Boot into sugar
 - open Teminal activity
 - sudo /runin/runin-camera &
 - click on terminal window, start top
 - move pointer to a corner to get frame, bring forward the gts-launch
window, move it so that you can read top's top lines

 = os23 shows ~1% idle, 88.7user, 11%sys -- user time is split between
gst-launch (~70%) and X (~25%)
 = os31 shows ~35% idle :-D -- 55% user, 6% sys -- gst-launch at 45%, X at 2%

Implode appears to be a bit faster too -- but it's hard to judge.


 martin@laptop.org -- Software Architect - OLPC
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
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