
Since about one week I have many failed builds of nodejs-packages on EPEL7. The failed builds happen on ppc builders, the builds fail with:

EBUG util.py:393:  Getting requirements for nodejs-grunt-contrib-internal-0.4.9-4.el7.src
DEBUG util.py:393:   --> nodejs-packaging-7-1.el7.noarch
DEBUG util.py:393:  Error: Package: nodejs-packaging-7-1.el7.noarch (build)
DEBUG util.py:393:             Requires: nodejs(engine) >= 0.10.12
DEBUG util.py:393:   You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
DEBUG util.py:393:   You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest


Which makes sense as nodejs is not available on PPC.

Do we need to set a BuildArch?
Why did this not happen before last week?
