On Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 01:58:22PM +0100, Felix Enrique Llorente Pastora wrote:
I need to set the "description" field out of nmstate so I can mark some interfaces that will be processed by nmstate later on. Do you know if it's possible to do it with nmcli or busctl/dbus-send ?
Hi Quique,
With these command:
You will get confutation file or dbus path of the setting.
You may chose any of this way:
* Parse configuration file and search for `nmstate.interface.description`
* Use dbus method GetSettings
* Submit feature request to NetworkManager asking for nmcli showing user section.
Example output of qdbus command:
[fge@c8s eth]$ sudo qdbus --literal --system \ org.freedesktop.NetworkManager \ /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/2 \ org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.Connection.GetSettings
[Argument: a{sa{sv}} {"connection" = [Argument: a{sv} {"id" = [Variant(QString): "eth1"], "interface-name" = [Variant(QString): "eth1"], "lldp" = [Variant(int): 0], "permissions" = [Variant(QStringList): {}], "timestamp" = [Variant(qulonglong): 1640327553], "type" = [Variant(QString): "802-3-ethernet"], "uuid" = [Variant(QString): "34a173a3-4783-4fbc-a082-b6add1247ffe"]}], "802-3-ethernet" = [Argument: a{sv} {"auto-negotiate" = [Variant(bool): false], "mac-address-blacklist" = [Variant(QStringList): {}], "s390-options" = [Variant: [Argument: a{ss} {}]]}], "ipv4" = [Argument: a{sv} {"address-data" = [Variant: [Argument: aa{sv} {}]], "addresses" = [Variant: [Argument: aau {}]], "dhcp-client-id" = [Variant(QString): "mac"], "dns-search" = [Variant(QStringList): {}], "method" = [Variant(QString): "disabled"], "route-data" = [Variant: [Argument: aa{sv} {}]], "routes" = [Variant: [Argument: aau {}]]}], "ipv6" = [Argument: a{sv} {"addr-gen-mode" = [Variant(int): 0], "address-data" = [Variant: [Argument: aa{sv} {}]], "addresses" = [Variant: [Argument: a(ayuay) {}]], "dhcp-duid" = [Variant(QString): "ll"], "dhcp-iaid" = [Variant(QString): "mac"], "dns-search" = [Variant(QStringList): {}], "method" = [Variant(QString): "link-local"], "route-data" = [Variant: [Argument: aa{sv} {}]], "routes" = [Variant: [Argument: a(ayuayu) {}]]}], "proxy" = [Argument: a{sv} {}], "user" = [Argument: a{sv} {"data" = [Variant: [Argument: a{ss} {"nmstate.interface.description" = "testing_nic"}]]}]}]