Hi All,

Users of Nmstate in both development and user context need to track the Nmstate updates.

The following points focus on RPM distribution and consumption.
Nmstate users may switch between development and user consumption, depending on the individual project workflow and timelines.
Therefore, the Nmstate distribution can be grouped into development and stable consumption.

These are the different possible consumptions that may be required by Nmstate users (as repos):
- Development
-- Track master head.
-- Track nmstate-0.1 stable branch head. (this branch should contain fixes for the 0.1 version)

- Stable
-- Track tagged releases for the 0.2 version.
-- Track tagged releases for the 0.1 version.

When we move forward and need to focus on 0.3 release, then:
- A branch will be created for nmstate-0.2 and we'll need to track its head for development context.
- Add tracking of tagged releases for the 0.3 version.

The above repos should be available for CentOS8+ and Fedora31+.
Some as COPR and some as formal CentOS/Fedora.

If I missed anything or something is unclear, please let me know.
