Hello All,

My name is Alex - and I want to express my very keen interest in spending time collaborating with and contributing to the Fedora Weekly News.  I am 26 and live in New York City where I work in Finance, but grew up on the 'left coast' in California.  I went to college in the midwest where I majored in Economics and Political Science and minored in Art History.  I fancy myself somewhat worldly for my age, as I have traveled extensively through Asia, Europe and South America. Most recently, I spent just under two years working at an investment bank contributing to the build-out of the firm's newly opened Emerging Markets hub office in Mumbai, India.

In terms of my interest in technology and computing, it has been a hobby and a passion of mine since I was in my teens.  So while I'm not a professional in the I.T. arena, I am at worst a very experienced hobbyist.

I feel I could add a lot to what seems like an already very thoughtful and articulate team of individuals.  I really find the concept of a meaningful and serious endeavor such as the Weekly News very unique and would be something I would absolutely embrace being a part of.

Anyhow, thanks for your time and hope to speak to someone soon!  In the meantime, I look forward to being on the mailing list going forward...

All the best,