On 2/16/2020 2:43 PM, Ankur Sinha wrote:
Are you sure this is from the python-fsleyes FTBFS bug that you've
linked to (1799930)? I *think* it may be the hdfview FTBFS bug:
yes you may be right.  I had a lot of tabs open ;-)
The diagnostic process generally requires finding the first error, then
checking to see what causes it, and so on until the root cause has been
found. In this case, this is what I'd done:

You found the correct error.  The error says that nothing in the Fedora
repositories provides 'mvn(edu.ucar:cdm)'. One can confirm this using
`dnf` to query the Fedora repositories:

$ sudo dnf repoquery --whatprovides 'mvn(edu.ucar:cdm)'

So, it's available on F31. It isn't on F32+, though:
$ sudo dnf --release 32 repoquery --whatprovides 'mvn(edu.ucar:cdm)'
# No output (nothing provides it)

Thanks Ankur for taking the time to share this ---^ with me, i'll followup on it and try it on other similar errors.  I read the netcdf-java/gradle thread, and started down the gradle/java road, but its a bit deep for me.  Ill need more exp. with java I think.  Ill keep exploring!   thanks again.

I looked at a few of the bugs today and fixed ones I could figure out.
Still lots of open bugs to look at, though.