On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 3:45 AM, Laine Stump <laine@laine.org> wrote:
On 12/02/2016 12:29 AM, Leno Hou wrote:
This patch fixes the problem as shown below.
* virsh dumpxml failed with vlan1292 in inactive status
* virt-manager failed to view vlan1292 interface details.
RedHat Bugzilla:#1398143

I shortened the commit log considerably, and changed it to describe the changed behavior, rather than how to reproduce the bug.

  Yes, that's great! 
It would be nice to eliminate the duplication between the two choices (the setting of DEVICE and VLAN), but I know only enough about xsl to realize that variables like $iface must be local to the <xsl:blah> block they're defined in, so I left it as you wrote it. Since you seem to be pretty handy with xsl transforms, I would appreciate a followup patch to eliminate the redundandancy (and if you're good enough to understand how to translate <route> elements in the XML to/from a file called "route-$DEVNAME", please let me know and I'll send you a full spec for adding static routes to an interface's config :-)
In the meantime, ACK, and I pushed it. Thanks for the contribution! (I've added your name to the AUTHORS file).