Thank you very much for the yum group. 


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 5:59 AM, Brian Monroe <> wrote:
I just want to give a big thank-you to Brendan. You've done lion share of the work for the jam spin. That yum group is going to prove to be super helpful. 

On Sun Nov 16 2014 at 2:25:57 AM Brendan Jones <> wrote:
As some of you have probably noticed, the spin won't be included this
release on the spins page. This is because we didn't do the testing in
time. The nightly composes are still creating the spin (and will always
be up to date with the latest packages rather than a snapshot at release
time). We also have the new "Audio Production" yum group which allows
you to install the audio packages on a system with your desktop
environment of choice.

I have updated the pages here [1] and here [2]:

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