Cool, I'm pretty sure I can get some stuff together. I'm working on getting some contributors for my side project ( for drum loops and single hit samples. 

As an update I found some opensource Impulse response files, They're not open to Fedora Standards, but their CC-SA so I can "master" them at a higher bitrate and throw an exciter on them for over/undertones, then release them under the audience sample library so we can package them. Which is good, because it took me over 30 minutes to download them just from one site and I think I have a lead on some more I can get. 

I found a windows based program that lets you generate digital IR data. Anyone know of anything like that linux side? I'll check some other places as well. 

I'm excited. #coolcoolcool

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 10:35 PM, Christopher R. Antila <> wrote:
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On 04/12/2012 10:21 AM, Brendan Jones wrote:
> On 04/12/2012 03:23 AM, Brian Monroe wrote:
>> Well my thought was perhaps set up a script that uses FTP since
>> that's one of the things that sourceforge offers with their
>> account. We could set up a guest account with read only
>> privileges in a script that downloads the .wav files and stores
>> them in the appropriate locations for samples loops and audio
>> impulse files.
>> I don't know if a script and the FTP would be easier than
>> enabling an repo for newbs to Linux. I was under the impression
>> that the rpmfusion repos were disabled by default and there
>> weren't any links to them in the spin.
>> I also don't know if Fedora would allow us to package a script
>> that download content from off site either, though as I think
>> about it, that's what KDE and GNOME do for background pictures
>> and sound motifs for their DEs. Maybe it'll fly....
> Sure that's OK. As long as its obvious - its not as if we'd be
> installing applications in parallel to yum. Good be a good
> application idea, i.e. a front end to freesound, soundfonts,
> hydrogen kits, synth presets etc
I'd be more comfortable with a (GUI?) front-end so we can specifically
warn users that they're downloading material from other websites.

Also, I think we can make an argument for things like drum loops to be
included in the official repository anyway. At least if we package
them all together. Then host extras elsewhere.

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