On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Brendan Jones <brendan.jones.it@gmail.com> wrote:
On 11/10/2012 12:45 AM, Elad Alfassa wrote:

On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 1:20 AM, Brendan Jones
<brendan.jones.it@gmail.com <mailto:brendan.jones.it@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 11/09/2012 09:49 PM, Elad Alfassa wrote:

        My brother has a yamaha psr-e423 keyboard. I tried hooking it to my
        Fedora machine, and the kernel recognized it (used dmesg and
        lsusb to
        test). Then I tried using it with the rosegarden midi editor, but it
        didn't show up in rosegarden's midi device manager.

        What am I doing wrong? Should I use another app? start some sort of
        crazy audio daemon? edit configuration files?

    It sounds like you are running Rosegarden using ALSA only.

    I would suggest using a combination of Jack and alsamidid -e.


    music mailing list
    music@lists.fedoraproject.org <mailto:music@lists.fedoraproject.org>


Is there an explanation how to do that for someone who is completely
unfamiliar with this part of the linux sound subsystem?

-Elad Alfassa.

Have a look at this and reply back if you have any questions:


In particular:


music mailing list

Thanks, will do.
While waiting for reply, I found this http://tedfelix.com/linux/linux-midi.html and tried the script it suggested, which seems to have allowed rosegarden to record... but pressing the play button resulted in silence. I could see the notes on the screen, but couldn't hear anything from my speakers.

While all this might seem easy to people who are experienced with the linux sound subsystem, I do hope that someday we will have something that works "out of the box" for audio creation, without editing configuration files, opening 5 apps just to get the servers in place, and so forth. 

-Elad Alfassa.