2009/8/22 Michel Salim <michael.silvanus@gmail.com>
Dear all,

You're getting this email as comaintainers of Fedora's core mono
package, to invite you to join the fedora-mono mailing list:


David Nielsen started this list a few months ago with the intention of
coordinating improvements to Fedora's Mono stack (and as a place to help
bootstrap new packagers), but unfortunately he has curtailed his Fedora
involvement, and the list (and Mono work) has been in limbo ever since.

If you could join the list -- if you're not on it already -- it would be
greatly appreciated. Apologies if you're already on it; David still runs
the list so I cannot get the subscribers information.

I've just allowed you administrator access to the list... I think. Hopefully that will remove some speedbumps for the SIG.

I have been trying to invite maintainers to join so the offer should have been presented at least. There is also an upstream packagers mailing list which would be worth subscribing to as well.

- David