To add to that last email, 
To answer your question about coding, I can program, patch, and make bug fixes, however I am not familiar with qt which according to Meego's wiki is the toolkit used...

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 6:23 PM, Brock Hudson <> wrote:
I am interested in reworking the wiki pages and adding to it, as well as combine the fedora netbook wiki with it as well. I am also interested in sliming down the standard fedora installation and make it usable on a netbook, I am in contact with Fewt of fuduntu and jupiter-applet and maybe we could have him give us some tips on what he did to make is remix more usable on a netbook. 

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 5:33 AM, Peter Robinson <> wrote:
Hi Brock,


On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 3:30 AM, Brock Hudson <> wrote:
> Hi, I recently joined the Mobility mailing list and I am interested in
> both joining the SIG and helping packaging the Meego UX for Fedora. I
> also would like to help with any documentation or wiki.

What MeeGo UX are you interested in helping to packag? The Netbook UX
is packaged but is in a bit of disrepair primary due to many changes
that have gone into Fedora for gnome-3 that have impacted the Netbook
components. If your a coder you would be very welcome helping out
here! I can fill in all the blanks

For the other UX I believe there are others that are looking to, or in
the process of, packaging the components but I'm not sure what the
state of them are. Hopefully they are lurking on the list and can poke
their heads up to help out.

For the wiki side of things our root page [1] could do with some
cleanup and re-work and that would be greatly welcome. Some of the sub
pages could do with a chunk of work too including things like
supported hardware, platforms and some linking with other related
Fedora projects like the ARM Secondary Arch project.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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