On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 08:30:19PM -0700, snake nomin wrote:
Dear Adrian
Thank you! Excuse me, but I can't see my mirror (National University of Mongolia) listed at http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/publiclist/Fedora/10/i386/
Yesterday it was on the list and today it has been dropped because your site is no longer up to date for some reason. The crawler checks your mirror in certain intervals and if the site seems to be no longer up to date it is dropped from the list. To see if it is up to date can be seen on https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager/host_category/3714. All the directories under "Up-to-Date Directories this host carries" are the ones which are up to date. So right now you seem to be missing something, or the crawler was not able to connect to your host. It will reappear on the mirror list once it up to date again (either determined by the crawler or you have to run report_mirror).
And I have another question I pulled some contents from the mirrors.kernel.org site by running following commands on commandline. How will I do updates of these contents automatically?
Typically you would run it through cron.
RSYNC_PASSWORD=<removed> rsync -avrHS rsync://numedumn@mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/releases/9/i386/ /media/mirror/fedora/releases/9/ RSYNC_PASSWORD=<removed> rsync -avrHS rsync://numedumn@mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/updates/9/i386/ /media/mirror/fedora/updates/9/ ... etc.
I hope that is not your real password ;-) You really should not mail your passwords around.