

This is Mary,


Would you be interested in using our newly updated opt-in database which can help you to reach the following Technology Professionals across Europe and North America:


Job Title:




Our database comes with Contact Name, Job Title, Company Name, Physical Address, Phone No, Fax No, Email Address, Website and more.


If you’re interested in using our database, then please reply me with your target criteria, so that I can get back to you with more details.


Target Criteria:



We can also help you in email and data appending solutions which can help in holding back your lost customers.


I’d love to hear from you!




Mary Rhode

B2B / B2C / E-Mail Appending / Data Appending

Email Marketer

6127, Avenue of the Americas,

New York, NY,

United States 10001

Email:  mary@leads4prospect.biz


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