On 14-12-22 12:09 PM, Adrian Reber wrote:
Thanks for supporting Fedora. I see your mirror has already been added to MirrorManager and so far everything looks correct. You should already see clients being redirected to your mirror
Oh, I see I misunderstood the meaning of the user_active flag :). Oh, well, no harm so far.
One question: on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Mirroring, the suggested rsync module is "fedora-buffet0" and/or "fedora-enchilada0" but those don't seem to exist on any of the mirror servers, not even the two master servers. What's up with that?
This is for the tier 1 mirrors. To reduce the load on the master mirror we are trying to get some tiering in place. If you could sync from a close tier 1 mirror that would be great.
As of January, we'll have not only the disk space but also the bandwidth (10G) to be a tier-1 mirror. I don't think this server & disk combination can actually push 10G, but we've already tested it up to 4G.
In any case, we're currently going to mirror ::fedora, ::fedora-secondary and ::fedora-epel.
In your MirrorManager entry I see "Fedora Linux" and "Fedora EPEL". I do not see "Fedora Secondary Arches" but instead "Fedora Archive" (with the wrong content). So something in this area does not seem 100% correct.
I'm not sure what problem you're seeing...
In the MirrorManager online web app, I don't have any categories added at all yet... correction, that's now fixed and I've added Fedora Linux, Fedora EPEL and Fedora Secondary with matching URLs.
The mirrormanager-client config file appears to be correct.
The content appears to be correct, or at least, the top few levels match what's on dl.fedoraproject.org. (I'm pulling from mirrors.us.kernel.org, since my IPv6 connection is way faster than IPv4 right now.)
Also, re Peer ASNs, is there any way to let me manage my own list? As a board member of MBIX, and a colleague of Les (at Les.net, the future hoster) I'm aware of what ASNs connect here via private peering and via the local IX. Right now, I count 12 ASNs being learned from the IX's route servers.
If there's some reasonable way to automate the creation of site-local netblocks, I could do it that way, too... there's 94 netblocks (excluding Hurricane Electric, who peers here too) involved.
-Adam Thompson athompso@athompso.net