This is a solution for webmasters to host their web sites on multiple Class C IP addresses, behind custom and unlimited name servers. Multiple IP web hosting will help you to boost your search rankings through diversifying the Class C's that these domains are hosted.

We have our self own Data Center (located in Kowloon Side) in Hong Kong with TIA-945 Standard Tier 3+ level and providing co-location service to our clients. We heard your brand from the internet & we would like to ask if your side considering to expand IT hosting coverage in Greater China Region, with hosting of Dedicated Server, CDN, Email Marketing, Data Center Co-location & Crowd Computing Server etc…

If you are interest, please feel free to email back to me for more information about us and the solution.  Thanks.

Best Regards,
Boris Lam
Senior Sales Executive
Mobile : (852) 9408 8762

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