Hi There,

Part 4 -  How To Make The Most Of Your Email List (apart from just
sending more emails!)

One of the first strategies I recommend to everyone I come into
contact with is to start building a list they can begin emailing
to. This usually demands a fundamental change in their initial
approach to their prospects, clients, and customers.
The aim is to begin the relationship by GIVING!!!
- and then to
maximise profits by email-marketing to them, realising your profits
over time. This is in direct contrast with the traditional strategy
whereby the aim is simply to make a sale right off the bat.
The question now is how do we make best use of our email list,
other than simply mailing them more often (which is obvious, but
still worth mentioning because it's virtually certain you aren't
emailing YOUR list often enough).
Roughly 80% of your sales are going to come from just 20% of your
list. What's more you're going to find a percentage of these 20%
are going to be hyper-responders; that is, they'll buy the de-luxe
version of everything you sell, every time you ask.
This point is crucial because it's like they're waiting to give
you money but won't do it unless you ASK them to!

So your first job is to identify these people. It's not hard and
there are several ways you can do it:
Manually tick off names against shipped orders. Only really
feasible for small numbers and physically-shipped items.
Use spreadsheets and do some fancy work with data sorting. This is
often going to be the easiest way to do it in the short term.
Now, assuming you have the data, what you're looking for are those
top 20% and the real cream, those incredibly profitable
Once you've identified them, you put them into a new email list,
one which you keep exclusively for these highly-profitable names,
and then start marketing to it with specially designed high-price
offers exclusive to that group only.
What's more, you should tell them they're in this special group,
and why. People love to belong, and once you've given them an
elevated status, most of them will work to keep it - by giving you
even more money.
By doing this you'll not only make maximum profits, but you'll also
gather around you a loyal group of raving "fans".
Part 5 will be about how to close the "Almost Sale"
What do you do
about someone that has visited your site and is about to click off
without buying or booking and they have not even given you their
name or email address.
What can you do about this? Find out next time.
Best Wishes,

Graham Callingwood
Author of "Make my website Work!"
The Top Page Guru
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