Thanks for the tip there, the -a found a directory path that had somehow changed ownership. Fixed that and I'm running a new sync as we speak. Looks like things are going to go through. 


On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 3:49 PM Jason L Tibbitts III <> wrote:
>>>>> "JD" == Justin Deffenbaugh <> writes:

JD> How can I force it to reassess what files are on the local mirror?

Run with -a, which will disable the optimization that skips processing
if the downloaded file list is identical to what you already have.

There are situations where you could get an updated file list without
the content, though generally that would require a full disk, a failed
disk or a system crash at just the wrong time.  It's also possible that
the file list was not updated after the bit flip, which I believe could
cause this situation, though it certainly seems correct to me now.

In any case, running with -a/--alwayscheck should cause it to directly
compare the file list content to the local content and transfer
everything that is missing.  But any change to the file list (which for
the "fedora" module would include an updates push) would also accomplish
the same thing, so it does confuse me that you would still be seeing any
issue like this.  It would be good to check the log (or journal, if you
have that enabled) to see at what points in the past it has detected a
change to the file list and what was downloaded at that time.

 - J<