Hi Michal,
Thanks a lot for your brilliant work! We will test the eclipse rpms right now.
By the way, we are starting to submit the eclipse patches to eclipse.org.
Do you have plan to build Hadoop and Docker? These two packages are
extensively needed in cloud computing and big-data servers. Hadoop is
mainly written in Java plus some native libraries in C. Docker is based on
Golang. We found both the original source codes can not be built successfuly
without patches for mips-specific platforms.
Jin Guojie
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "Michal.Toman";<michal.toman(a)imgtec.com>;
Send time: Wednesday, Mar 1, 2017 6:12 AM
To: "Jin Guojie"<jinguojie(a)loongson.cn>;
Cc: "mips"<mips(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>; "nanxiongchao"<nanxiongchao(a)loongson.cn>; "wanglei"<wanglei(a)loongson.cn>;
Subject: Re: [NEW RPM] Eclipse-4.6.2 for Fedora25 mips64el
eclipse should now be available in F25 repositories. I have built two
versions - 4.6.2-1.1.fc25 with bootstrap enabled and 4.6.2-2.1.fc25 with
bootstrap disabled. Only the latter is included in the repo. Could you
please confirm it works?
I did not build any other Java packages for F25, please let me know if
you need anything specific. The full Java stack unblocked by having
eclipse will come with F26.
On 02/23/2017 10:06 PM, Michal Toman wrote:
> Hi Jin,
> I am making good progress with eclipse, I have managed to build
> jansi-native and netty-tcnative. eclipse build is running at this moment
> but it takes ages to finish. As long as nothing crashes it should be
> ready in a day or two.
> The nodejs build dies with SIGBUS which is a strange error, it is likely
> a bug somewhere in our toolchain - might be some missing kernel config
> option, too much compiler optimizations, broken linker or something
> else, I am looking into that but this will take time. On 32-bit mipsel
> nodejs used to work but it is broken now as well so I am bisecting the
> builds to get an idea when it got broken.
> Michal
> On 02/23/2017 04:06 AM, Jin Guojie wrote:
>> Hi Michal,
>> How are things going on?
>> Have you built nodejs and eclipse successfully? We are glad to provide
>> help when needed.
>> By the way, we are planning to build firefox on mips64el. This may
>> take a time.
>> Thanks,
>> Jin Guojie
>> ----------------- Original ------------------
>> From: "Michal.Toman";<michal.toman(a)imgtec.com>;
>> Send time: Friday, Feb 17, 2017 8:25 PM
>> To: "Wanglei"<wanglei(a)loongson.cn>;
>> Cc: "Jin Guojie"<jinguojie(a)loongson.cn>;
>> "mips"<mips(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>;
>> "nanxiongchao"<nanxiongchao(a)loongson.cn>;
>> Subject: Re: [NEW RPM] Eclipse-4.6.2 for Fedora25 mips64el
>> Hi,
>> good to see that. The major issue I am having with eclipse is
>> bootstrapping jansi-native, netty-tcnative and eclipse-equinox-osgi from
>> scratch without the full maven stack depending on them. A quick look at
>> your build logs suggests you already had those working.
>> Could you please advise how did you do the initial bootstrap? IOW how
>> did you build jansi-native, netty-tcnative and eclipse-equinox-osgi
>> having no previous builds?
>> Thanks,
>> Michal
>> On 02/17/2017 10:54 AM, Wanglei wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> eclipse packages for mips64el have buid ok.(build with mock)
>>> http://ftp.loongnix.org/os/fedora25/submit/eclipse
>>> some BuildRequire noarch packages used x86's
>>> Note: I build the eclipse version is 4.6.2, the orig source rpm is
>>> download at
>>> http://koji.fedoraprojet.org
I attempted to natively build a 3.18.3 kernel from the master branch of https://github.com/MIPS/CI20_linux on the CI20 Create running Fedora 24. However, Fedora 24 is using gcc 6 and the build does not find an include/linux/compiler-gcc6.h file in the source tree. For the time being I copied the include/linux/compiler-gcc5.h to be include/linux/compiler-gcc6.h and that allows the kernel to build. Is three more appropriate sources than this to use for a locally built kernel? Is there something closer to the upstream kernel that is usable? I would like to enable kprobes, uprobes, and debuginfo to experiment with systemtap on the system.
Hi Will,
thanks for your interest. It is true I forgot to patch yum in F24 repos
since DNF works properly in F24 and I did not need yum anymore. Do you
have any particular reason to use yum and not DNF? The same results as
'yum-builddep' can be achieved with 'dnf builddep'.
Anyway, I have updated the repos with patched yum and if you update,
yum-builddep should work as well. I have also filed a bug against yum:
Feel free to report any other issues.
On 29.09.2016 03:05 William Cohen wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for creating a Fedora 24 image for the ci20. I have it set up on my ci20 creator board and have been trying it out. One of the things that I noticed is that binary rpms from the repository install fine, but yum-builddep doesn't work. It would make things much easier for people to experiment with locally built rpms if yum-builddep worked properly. It looks like URL used by yum-builddep is wrong, http://mipsfedora.imgtec.com/development/24/mips/os/repodata/repomd.xml should be http://mipsfedora.imgtec.com/development/24/mipsel/os/repodata/repomd.xml. Below is an example of the working "yum install" and failing "yum-builddep" with the default setup.
> -Will
> [wcohen@localhost Downloads]$ sudo yum install shotwell
> Yum command has been deprecated, redirecting to '/usr/bin/dnf install shotwell'.
> See 'man dnf' and 'man yum2dnf' for more information.
> To transfer transaction metadata from yum to DNF, run:
> 'dnf install python-dnf-plugins-extras-migrate && dnf-2 migrate'
> Last metadata expiration check: 0:13:35 ago on Wed Sep 28 20:44:10 2016.
> Dependencies resolved.
> ================================================================================
> Package Arch Version Repository Size
> ================================================================================
> Installing:
> LibRaw mipsel 0.17.2-1.fc24 fedora-mips-stage5 330 k
> exiv2-libs mipsel 0.25-3.fc24 fedora-mips-stage5 1.4 M
> libgexiv2 mipsel 0.10.3-6.fc24 fedora-mips-stage5 59 k
> shotwell mipsel 0.23.1-1.fc24 fedora-mips-stage5 2.8 M
> Transaction Summary
> ================================================================================
> Install 4 Packages
> Total download size: 4.5 M
> Installed size: 21 M
> Is this ok [y/N]: y
> Downloading Packages:
> (1/4): libgexiv2-0.10.3-6.fc24.mipsel.rpm 39 kB/s | 59 kB 00:01
> (2/4): LibRaw-0.17.2-1.fc24.mipsel.rpm 162 kB/s | 330 kB 00:02
> (3/4): exiv2-libs-0.25-3.fc24.mipsel.rpm 485 kB/s | 1.4 MB 00:02
> (4/4): shotwell-0.23.1-1.fc24.mipsel.rpm 599 kB/s | 2.8 MB 00:04
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Total 977 kB/s | 4.5 MB 00:04
> Running transaction check
> Transaction check succeeded.
> Running transaction test
> Transaction test succeeded.
> Running transaction
> Installing : exiv2-libs-0.25-3.fc24.mipsel 1/4
> Installing : libgexiv2-0.10.3-6.fc24.mipsel 2/4
> Installing : LibRaw-0.17.2-1.fc24.mipsel 3/4
> Installing : shotwell-0.23.1-1.fc24.mipsel 4/4
> Verifying : shotwell-0.23.1-1.fc24.mipsel 1/4
> Verifying : LibRaw-0.17.2-1.fc24.mipsel 2/4
> Verifying : libgexiv2-0.10.3-6.fc24.mipsel 3/4
> Verifying : exiv2-libs-0.25-3.fc24.mipsel 4/4
> Installed:
> LibRaw.mipsel 0.17.2-1.fc24 exiv2-libs.mipsel 0.25-3.fc24
> libgexiv2.mipsel 0.10.3-6.fc24 shotwell.mipsel 0.23.1-1.fc24
> Complete!
> [wcohen@localhost Downloads]$ sudo yum-builddep ./libpfm-4.7.0-2.fc25.src.rpm
> Yum-utils package has been deprecated, use dnf instead.
> See 'man yum2dnf' for more information.
> http://mipsfedora.imgtec.com/development/24/mips/os/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] HTTPS Error 404 - Not Found
> Trying other mirror.
> failure: repodata/repomd.xml from fedora-mips-stage5: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
> http://mipsfedora.imgtec.com/development/24/mips/os/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] HTTPS Error 404 - Not Found
Greetings everyone,
two months late, we have reached a state where Fedora 23 for MIPS works
reasonably well. Images have been built for QEMU (both mipsel [1] and
mips64el [2]) and the CI20 board (mipsel [3]). The bootstrap process is
still in stage4, we are waiting for koji hardware. Please note this is
not a full Fedora, approximately 15% of the packages are still missing.
A brief changelog over Fedora 22
* QEMU now uses a Fedora-like kernel (bootable RPMs are built but
packaging and configs still need some work). Bits of CI20 kernel patches
were upstreamed but not enough to make the board run Fedora. The CI20
images therefore use the 3.18 kernel shipped with Debian image.
* initial-setup works now, it should come up when you boot any of the
images for the first time.
* XFCE and LXDE are built and work on the CI20.
* Wi-Fi and bluetooth firmware RPMs for the CI20 are available [4]. The
GPU driver, on the other hand, is still unavailable, the CI20 needs to
use fbdev.
Biggest issues at this moment
* -fpie (and therefore hardening) does not work on mipsel without an
explicit -mshared or -fPIC, it enables optimizations that do not work.
* Java (zero) builds on mipsel but dies on illegal instruction when
starting the VM. It seems to work better with the newer kernel in QEMU.
* eclipse needs bootstrap
* ada needs bootstrap
* atlas fails to detect mipsel and uses x86 assembly
* Firefox and Thunderbird do build on mipsel but crash on startup
Full list can be found on the wiki [5] [6].
Give it a try, any feedback is welcome.
[1] http://mipsfedora.imgtec.com/development/23/mipsel/images/qemu/
[2] http://mipsfedora.imgtec.com/development/23/mips64el/images/qemu/
[3] http://mipsfedora.imgtec.com/development/23/mipsel/images/ci20/
[4] http://mipsfedora.imgtec.com/development/23/mipsel/ci20/
Hi William,
the kernel image is the one shipped with Debian 8 images [1]. The git
repo is available on github [2]. For the config, you can just zcat
[1] http://elinux.org/CI20_Distros#Debian_8_2015-09-09_Beta
[2] https://github.com/MIPS/CI20_linux
On 30.01.2016 20:54 William Cohen wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks so much for creating the bootable f23 sd card image for the ci20 creator board (http://mipsfedora.imgtec.com/development/23/mipsel/images/ci20/) It seems to work pretty well. One thing I noticed is that it is using a 3.18.3 kernel to boot that isn't packaged as an RPM. Are there instructions on how the kernel was created? Or at the very least do you have pointers to the config file and the source code used to create the kernel. I would like to build a kernel locally, but so far I haven't had much success.
> -Will Cohen
Thanks for your interests.
For MIPS related, you can subscribe to the MIPS list. And currently
someone from the Imagination Technology are working on Fedora MIPS for
Creator Ci20 board, so you may work on Fedora MIPS together.
On 9/1/15, youbest(a)sina.com <youbest(a)sina.com> wrote:
> We are a Linux/GNU System development team from China, we have Fedora
> 21 in more than 13000 software packages to the mips64el architecture, and we
> are still in the process of transplanting. the official version of the
> current not have MIPS architecture, we want to contribute to the Fedora
> community, we want to formally create a branch of MIPS in Fedora system.
> The repo of our system: http://mirror.lemote.com/fedora/os/
> We want to know the right way to Fedora.
> Thanks.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ankur Sinha <sanjay.ankur(a)gmail.com>
> To: infrastructure(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
> Subject: Re: I want to join Fedora Linux Community
> Date: 2015-08-28 18:36
> On Fri, 2015-08-28 at 16:54 +0800, youbest(a)sina.com wrote:
>> I want to join the development of Fedora Linux OS, I mainly do the
>> work of the operating system transplantation, I am not sure to join
>> which mailing list.
>> I would like to ask what is the main work involved in the Fedor
>> infrastructure group?
> Hiya!
> The infrastructure team handles well.. all the infrastructure that the
> community needs - the build systems, the account systems, and so on.
> The entire list of the applications can be found here:
> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/
> You can find more information on the skills required to work with
> Fedora infrastructure on their wiki page here:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted
> If you do have any queries, you can always ask them here.
> Alternatively, we also have a mailing list dedicated to new people
> looking to join the community here:
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fedora-join
> --
> Thanks,
> Regards,
> Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ankursinha
> _______________________________________________
> infrastructure mailing list
> infrastructure(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/postorius/infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject…
Greetings everyone,
you might know me from my former work on ABRT, or later Power and s390.
For the last few months however, I have been collaborating with
Imagination Technologies to bring back Fedora for MIPS.
A brief history - some effort to bootstrap Fedora for MIPS has been done
around Fedora 11/12/13, but died afterwards because of lack of interest.
Even though the RPMs were labelled with mips64el architecture, they were
using the hybrid n32 ABI with 32-bit pointers and 64-bit data, rather
than the full 64-bit n64 ABI.
Since we decided to go with n64 rather than n32, we have tried to
bootstrap the distribution from scratch (well, almost) to see how much
problems we will run into. I need to say that I was very surprised that
a majority of packages build fine with no or just minor tweaks to
specfiles and very few packages do require actual code patching.
Anyway, we have now arrived into a state where Fedora mips64el userspace
can be booted and played with. I have created a QEMU image [1] and all
the packages and repositories are available from mipsfedora.imgtec.com
[2]. I have also created some wiki pages [3] briefly describing what we
are doing and will continue to expand them in the following days to be
more detailed.
Apart from mips64el, we have lately started working on 32-bit mipsel, to
be ran on the Creator CI20 Borad [4]. This is basically 3 months behind
mips64el so there are no significant results yet, but hopefully will be
Future plans are, naturally, to turn MIPS into a fully-fledged secondary
architecture, deploy koji-shadow, compose releases and do everything
other secondary archs do. Build hardware is likely to be donated by
Imagination Technologies.
Any help would be appreciated, especially in the area of kernel, u-boot
and some specific languages - haskell, erlang, ocaml etc. I have already
been playing with some of those and there is a list of issues on the wiki.
Hopefully you will like Fedora MIPS back
[1] http://mipsfedora.imgtec.com/development/22/mips64el/images/20150601/
[2] http://mipsfedora.imgtec.com/development/22/mips64el/
[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/MIPS/2015Bootstrap
[4] http://community.imgtec.com/platforms/creator-ci20/
On 02.06.2015 o 12:19 Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 01, 2015 at 10:10:17PM +0200, Michal Toman wrote:
>> Apart from mips64el, we have lately started working on 32-bit mipsel, to
>> be ran on the Creator CI20 Borad [4]. This is basically 3 months behind
>> mips64el so there are no significant results yet, but hopefully will be
>> soon.
> I have the Creator CI20 board. Does this mean ImgTec are going to
> bring out a 64 bit development board :-? I guess you won't be able
> to tell me ..
No idea here, your best chance is probably following IMG's press
releases or blog http://blog.imgtec.com/category/mips-processors
> Anyway my CI20 is currently running Debian, but I'll give Fedora a go
> when I have the time.
>> Any help would be appreciated, especially in the area of kernel, u-boot
>> and some specific languages - haskell, erlang, ocaml etc. I have already
>> been playing with some of those and there is a list of issues on the wiki.
> There's no OCaml 32 bit MIPS backend upstream, but there used to be
> one. An older version of it can be found here:
> https://github.com/retired-camels/ocaml
> Claims to support BE and LE and uses the "n32" ABI, whatever that
> means. It would require a certain amount of work to bring that up to
> date, but it's not impossible.
The n32 ABI is the one I would like to avoid. So we'll probably have to
go without ocaml on mips.
> As far as I can tell there is no 64 bit MIPS backend at all and never
> has been. Depending on how different 32 bit and 64 bit MIPS are that
> might be a lot of work to implement.
> Rich.
Thanks for your interest.