Hmmm... I just wanted to help cross-compile Gnome Text Editor for Windows... but all this seems to be too much of a burden to just start working... And I'm actually a Debian user, so I don't have experience or a working Fedora instance...
Is there an alternative way to get packages updated/added within Fedora?

On Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 12:04 AM Michael Cronenworth <> wrote:
On 6/21/22 2:39 PM, Sim Tov wrote:
> First question is - how far is what I've found from what is needed? Can it be
> uploaded as is or not?

Hi Sim,

No. Fedora compiles its packages from source code. It's a hard requirement. Other
distros like Arch or Ubuntu are a little more lenient if you are coming from them.

The links you provided are to binary (already compiled) packages, but you could use
their PKGBUILD file as a pointer to translate into a RPM SPEC file.

Before you continue any further you will need to become a Fedora packager to import
the packages. This requires a sponsor to approve you to become a packager. Once
approved you can look for approval of a review request for a new package. After the
package has been reviewed you can then import it into Fedora, build it, and push it
out to the Fedora repos.

See the packager documentation for more information:

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