Hi Benny,

This got buried in my email, apologies! There are a lot of ways to communicate with Fedora, it really depends on your preference, and where the work you are interested in is happening. Each team manages their own communication channels, though the common and classic case is IRC. There are also parts of our community using Matrix/Element, Telegram, & Discord. 

We have a discourse instance here: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/
Some more info about it: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/askfedora-refresh-weve-moved-to-discourse/



Marie Nordin

Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator

Red Hat Fedora Project


T: +1.973.800.4967

IRC: riecatnor

On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 9:35 AM Benny Isaiah <benni.james87@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks so much Marie

It's late here now and I just saw this, I will have a read through this tomorrow thanks

Also, is there anyway to get notifications in this to my email. I heard I should be using discourse app or something to communicate with Fedora, whats that?


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