On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:21 AM, Joerg Simon <jsimon@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On 02/22/2011 07:16 PM, mak wrote:
> Dear All,
> I'm Mahay Alam Khan[0], Fedora Ambassador for Bangladesh (within APAC).
> I've added myself as mentor for APAC[1], today. I just wondering, if
> anyone of you (mentors) do have anything to share.
Hi Mak,

i am sorry - but Regional Mentors for the Ambassador Membership Process
can not self-nominate. Please read about the appointment process:

>From the formal text:
"Regional Ambassador Mentors are a group of people - selected, proposed
and appointed by people - not by a leveling system - based on trust (and
a lot of soft facts), Prospective mentors are nominated by existing
Mentors and confirmed by FAmSCo - [1]. If you want to be a mentor for
the Ambassador group, be a good ambassador and if asked, volunteer to
help, when needed. One great way to prepare is, to be a good mentor for
the project as a whole."

Dear Joerg,

Thank you. I have had that feeling in my gut, that I cannot self nominate. But, was failed to find the above message. I shall now remove my name from the mentor list.

Once again sorry for that.
