On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Shakthi Kannan shakthimaan@gmail.com wrote:
I was wondering if we could have a minimal checklist items for each new joinee that they must do (and ascertain them), before they can start to work on a Fedora sub-project of their interest.
For example, instead of having to repeat to each new joinee to create an IRC nickname, register the nickname, join the Fedora mailing lists, create a blog, add the blog to the planet etc., if we give them a checklist when they create a FAS account, they can change the status of each checklist item to 'completed' when they finish it.
Susmit, Kushal and Rahul work on a check-list that allows them to keep track of where each candidate Ambassador is. cc: in them for a response.