#fedora-meeting-2: RELENG (2018-12-06)

Meeting started by mboddu at 17:00:10 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* init process  (mboddu, 17:00:10)

* Alternate Architecture Updates  (mboddu, 17:02:23)
  * Everything seems to be fine on alt arch side.  (mboddu, 17:04:59)

* #7918 Container compose keeps failing because of armhfp build
  (mboddu, 17:08:07)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/7918#comment-542879   (mboddu,

* #7793 Implement new Fedora Security policy for retiring packages with
  security bugs  (mboddu, 17:22:14)
  * Since due to resource availability, we will work on this ticket next
    year  (mboddu, 17:31:53)

Meeting ended at 17:44:16 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* mboddu (43)
* nirik (14)
* cverna (12)
* zodbot (7)
* sharkcz (6)
* tyll (0)
* puiterwijk (0)
* masta (0)
* Kellin (0)
* pbrobinson (0)
* dustymabe (0)
* pingou (0)
* maxamillion (0)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

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