2. in april there was a series of commits switching ovirt-server from ruby-qpid to ruby-qmf rpm. Those are two implementations of ruby bindings to qmf. (see http://mo.morsi.org/blog/node/288 for more details).

right, ruby-qmf is the way forward, so we should make it work

OK, I'll try again. At the end maybe the problem is not in qpid, but in the way db-omatic locks itself for too long when it has too many things to do and the keepalive timers expire, marking nodes as unavailable.
The problems just appear much faster when ruby-qmf is used.

3.what version of matahari is in RHEL 6 ? what version will be in fedora 14 ? wouldn't it be good to maintain an ovirt version for rhel/centos 6 ?

Matahari is not yet in RHEL6, will be in 6.1. Fedora 14 would get latest version which is still being developed on Matahari 'next' branch and that's why I started looking at patching ovirt-server to adjust to it, so that Fedora update doesn't break it.

The reason I am asking that is as follows : since the development workforce in ovirt-server is very low, I think it would be better to migrate it to RHEL/centos 6 so that all the efforts do not go in migrating to new fedora every 6 months.

On the other end, if matahari is not yet in RHEL6, maybe it's possible to have the server running RHEL6 and the node running fedora 14+ for the time being ?

Will RHEL 6.1 matahari include the patches we are discussing ?