Hello ,

this is my first post.
My name's is Stefano, i'm italian.
I have a bachelor in Marketing, and i work in a Company as Marketing Director.

I'm new about Fedora, i use linux since 2007 but with an other distro.

Now i'm tring to use Fedora, and i hope to change my dirstro definitly.

I love Fedora:

- For the name
- For the design
- Because it's innovative
- Because it's Linux
- Because it's only a community and not a company,

I must try, and do major experience. i'm a beginner.
I belive in a marketing open source, i try to discuss about with the other community of an other distro, but the think only at Operative Marketing and they think to say all about marketing unless discuss.

Ok, thank you for the attention.

Alberini Stefano