I'll take a look as soon as I can use my laptop on WiFi. 


On Monday, 21 March 2016, Ryan Lerch <rlerch@redhat.com> wrote:
Feel free to love it or leave it (and maybe update the screenshots)

I have fleshed out a few headers that i think cover the basics of getting someone up to speed in GIMP: the first few i wrote out so hopefully you all can see what i am intending here:

1. Getting GIMP in fedora
2. enabling single window mode (this is a big one lots of people ask for)
3. Opening an image
4. resizing an image
5. Basic colour editing (my idea here is to run thorugh doing something simple like desaturate)
6. Saving your image
7. Exporting your image


On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 6:52 PM, Ryan Lerch <rlerch@redhat.com> wrote:
As per the last meeting, i jumped in and started looking at the GIMP article, have a few ideas on how to group the content to make it even more useful for our readers.

It might be good to split this up (rather then breaking down what each menu does), into a couple of sorta mini-tutorials with set goals, i was thinking something like:

1. Opening a file, and saving it (and exporting it)
2. Basic editing of the whole image (this one could maybe be something like desaturating the image to make it monochrome)
3. SHowing how to draw on the image with the brush (sort of a gateway into painting in GIMP)

I'll have a go at editing the first paragraph too
