welcome to fedora :)

On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 8:51 PM, Ray Po <tvvocold@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi there,
I am Ray from China and i'd like to join the fedora marketing
group for promotes the usage and support of Fedora worldwide. While i am not good at speak English , I have passion :) 
First of all, I'd like to help fedora got more user in China. And help fedora users got a nice experience in using fedora by answer their question and setup Guide sites.Fell free to let me know if there is anything i can do.

Self Experiance:
1, Build a Hacker News clone for Fedora Chinese Group.
2, Build Fedora Chinese community Site.(in Dev)
3, Experiance in Kali/Fedora/RHEL/CentOS/... (I love Fedora most!)

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