Hi Benson,

Thanks for the warm welcome! I'll keep on reading the wiki until then. Enjoy your holidays and Happy New Year!


On Dec 27, 2016, at 13:20, Benson Muite <benson_muite@emailplus.org> wrote:

Hi Alvin,

Welcome to Fedora marketing! Things are quiet this week due to Christmas and New Year celebrations in some parts of the world. In marketing, we hope to get your journey off to a great start. One of the roles is to provide material and information for ambassadors, so linking between the two groups would be very helpful.  We are likely to change the current meeting time early next year - it is currently on Tuesdays from 9:00am to 10:00am US eastern time, hope you can make it then.


On 12/27/2016 03:08 PM, Alvin Abaya wrote:

Alvin Abaya

I decided to try and get involved with the Fedora Project around 2014. I always wanted to get into Linux growing up; however, I never was able to get my network/wifi card to work. Luckily when I tried again a few years ago, I was lucky to have a brand that worked with the default drivers - I was finally able to begin my journey and start learning after all these years.

My jobs revolved around data centers for most of my I.T. career. Recently it has been with VMware and SAP. Since we’re a heavy RHEL shop, I chose Fedora to help me further develop my skills.


  • Email: mOUs3y@gmail.com

  • IRC name: mOUs3y

  • IRC channels: #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora, #fedora-mktg

  • GPG key: EDDE55E5

  • Fedora Account: mousey

Activities within Fedora

  • Initially I wanted to try and join the package maintainers group but I couldn’t think of anything that was open-source and not yet in the repos. As of today, I still can’t think of anything! But I’ve been lurking at #fedora-admin to see if there’s anything I can help with since I’m currently in Infrastructure related duties at work.

  • Since I’m still new to the Fedora Community, I decided to be a part of the Ambassadors Project to try and share to others what Linux is, to not be scared of it, and to learn it through the use of Fedora. It helped me improve my system administration skills and confidence and I wanted to give back to the community that helped me achieve that.

  • Since I want to be involved with the Ambassador Project, I thought I should be involved with Marketing as well since they go hand and hand. I would love to help as much as I can but would probably like to work helping clean the wiki first. After a few weeks of attending the meetings and hearing the events going on within Fedora, hopefully I’ll learn enough to be able to branch off and help with other parts of Fedora’s marketing strategies.

Please help me get started! :)


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