Hi Robert,

As Brian suggested, try to join our meeting tomorrow. At the moment we are working on 3 things:
- Infographics campaign on 'Quick howto'
- Fedora 29 Beta Release tasks
- Retaking our YouTube channel with more videos, focused in a steady release cycle of videos

Any help and ideas are welcome.

Thanks for coming and I hpe to see you around.

Eduard Lucena

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018, 5:58 AM Brian (bex) Exelbierd <bexelbie@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Robert,


On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 11:58 AM, Robert Wright <rwright.fp@gmail.com> wrote:


My name is Robert Wright (fas/irc: rwright) and I live in Poole, UK.

I found out about Fedora Marketing after reviewing the sub projects on the Fedora Wiki, and am currently interested in how I can volunteer some of my time to building out long term marketing support for the project. I’ve worked volunteer roles in the past with Campaign groups, as well as Conventions (Sci-fi/Anime/Gaming) and am used to the stress that comes with wrangling volunteers as well  

This would be my first true marketing project I’ve worked on, but in my day job, I work as a Product Manager, and am skilled in preparing materials and supporting both marketing and sales for my products I manage today in my role. I want to volunteer to help me learn more skills I can apply to other areas of my life professionally.

My skills, which I hope to utilize in Fedora Marketing, include:

  • Product / Platform Management, including customer journey planning, user research, and using design thinking methods (ideas, ideas, ideas!!)
  • Community Management and Marketing, working for a Convention back in Boise, ID, I learned a lot about print media as well as digital marketing (Google Ads, planning and designing Social Media campaigns, survey design and analysis, and building by-mouth campaigns to drive interest). 
  • Software Engineering, mostly in a PHP and PostgreSQL/MySQL environment, but am learning Python as the community here has really embraced Python in the culture of Fedora’s infra. 

I wanted to learn more about long term projects, including what projects could use some support, and how I can pitch in to help generate content for the next release.

I encourage you to join the marketing IRC meetings on Tuesdays at 1pm GMT.  See https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/marketing/ for more details.



I am excited to hopefully start contributing with you all!

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Brian (bex) Exelbierd | bexelbie@redhat.com | bex@pobox.com
Fedora Community Action & Impact Coordinator
@bexelbie | http://www.winglemeyer.org
Fedora Marketing mailing list -- marketing@lists.fedoraproject.org
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