
Thank You for the answer, thanks a lot for the OSS support, this is our 1st event about OSS in Saito College. Nothing more to say Im speachless rite now :D hehehehehehe...


On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 8:46 PM, syamsul anuar <wariola@gmail.com> wrote:

My answer in blue 

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Abdul Aziz Mydin Salimuddin <kernel013@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Anuar,

These are few question that we need to now.

1. what are the theme for the party?
There is no theme for the party, just a simple get together among the open source and Fedora community. At best we will use the Fedora 11 theme : Reign

2. what do you need during the party? (beside plug point and wireless network)
Well food would be nice :) however plug point and wireless network (access to the Internet) are the priority along with LCD Projector and Whiteboard for presentation. Also some poster printing would be nice

3. how many people are invited?
The invitation is open to all and we expect around 40-50 attendees for this event. 

4. who are those people?
Those ppl are from all walks of life - programmer, evangelist, professionals, students etc and its hard to pinpoint the exact demography 

5. how long the duration of the function?
For now the time is from 9am to 5pm though that might change. Would not be later than 5pm
6. who is actually going to give the briefing and how many of them? can you please list down their name and their other details and what topic they going to talk about.
The list of speakers is currently being compiled and its not yet finalized. Pls visit our wiki page periodically for more updates. However, the topics of IT security is confirmed, so do the introduction of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). 

7. will you guys bring any sample of fedora 11 to be demonstrate to the people if yes how many pc will you need to use it.
The Fedora 11 CDs will be brought over and depends on the ppl who wants to actually installed it. 

8. how about our talk in having and came down here and guiding our students in the LINUX class later on?
This should be in separate discussion as the college needs to determine which topic they are interested in. However bear in mind that most of the expert / community member are working / tied to certain commitments and as such their time is at premium and might not come in for free.

9. want to have or give small project to the student as a start.
There are lots of Open Source project going on under the banner of Fedora and Other FOSS communities that the students might be interested on. On the other hand for Industrial training in FOSS would require separate discussion as to pinpoint and matchmaking the college and the industry.


saito college


.: war|ola :.
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