Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-mktg/2010-06-03/fedora_insight.2010-... Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-mktg/2010-06-03/fedora_insight.2010-... Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-mktg/2010-06-03/fedora_insight.2010-...
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call! (stickster, 18:01:04) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda <-- Agenda (stickster, 18:02:15)
* Action items from last meeting (2010-05-27) (stickster, 18:02:27) * LINK: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-mktg/2010-05-27/fedora_insight.2010-... <-- Last meeting minutes (stickster, 18:03:14) * stickster made patch as needed (stickster, 18:09:32) * smooge advises postgresql has been updated on stg.fp.o, now we are OK to copy DBs, once we figure out diffs in the Zikula code that's deployed on stg.fp.o. (stickster, 18:10:08) * stickster thinks that pt6.fp.o is the more reliable, up to date source for our code (stickster, 18:11:23)
* Testing and progress (stickster, 18:15:51) * ACTION: smooge and ke4qqq to document how work methods for code changes, testing, deployment should work for the foreseeable future on [[Insight]] (stickster, 18:15:56) * ACTION: smooge will tell rbergeron when stg.fp.o is ready (stickster, 18:23:31) * ACTION: rbergeron will start testing on pt6 now, will continue on stg.fp.o once smooge tells her it's ready (stickster, 18:23:39) * rbergeron is now a sponsor on the 'cmsadmin' group (stickster, 18:26:43)
* Theming for Insight (stickster, 18:29:48) * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=569833 (ke4qqq, 18:37:31)
* Documentation (stickster, 18:42:00) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight_Workflow <-- main workflow page (stickster, 18:42:16) * ACTION: rbergeron to take lead on general news workflow docs once testing is working OK, stickster will ride shotgun and help (stickster, 18:45:35) * Sunday afternoon is available for an Insight work session (stickster, 18:48:32) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Insight#Goals <-- just fyi (stickster, 18:49:36)
* AOB -- All Other Business (stickster, 18:51:26) * LINK: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/docs/2010-June/012351.html (rbergeron, 18:51:55)
Meeting ended at 19:06:58 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * smooge and ke4qqq to document how work methods for code changes, testing, deployment should work for the foreseeable future on [[Insight]] * smooge will tell rbergeron when stg.fp.o is ready * rbergeron will start testing on pt6 now, will continue on stg.fp.o once smooge tells her it's ready * rbergeron to take lead on general news workflow docs once testing is working OK, stickster will ride shotgun and help
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * ke4qqq * smooge and ke4qqq to document how work methods for code changes, testing, deployment should work for the foreseeable future on [[Insight]] * rbergeron * smooge will tell rbergeron when stg.fp.o is ready * rbergeron will start testing on pt6 now, will continue on stg.fp.o once smooge tells her it's ready * rbergeron to take lead on general news workflow docs once testing is working OK, stickster will ride shotgun and help * smooge * smooge and ke4qqq to document how work methods for code changes, testing, deployment should work for the foreseeable future on [[Insight]] * smooge will tell rbergeron when stg.fp.o is ready * rbergeron will start testing on pt6 now, will continue on stg.fp.o once smooge tells her it's ready * stickster * rbergeron to take lead on general news workflow docs once testing is working OK, stickster will ride shotgun and help * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * stickster (149) * rbergeron (62) * smooge (29) * ke4qqq (12) * gwerra (9) * zodbot (8) * mateo (6) * wonderer (3) * Southern_Gentlem (3) * rislam (1) * drak (1)
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