Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-01-27/insight.2011-01-2... Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-01-27/insight.2011-01-2... Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-01-27/insight.2011-01-2...
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call! (stickster, 19:01:08) * Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda (stickster, 19:04:42)
* Packaging (stickster, 19:04:45) * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=662103&hide_resolv... (stickster, 19:05:12) * We need people to install and test the packages. Please take some time to do so if you haven't already (stickster, 19:06:57) * Anyone who wants to test packages can do so on a virtual guest. Consult http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Virtualization_Quick_Start for information (stickster, 19:11:28) * IDEA: Get people to do requisite testing at FUDCon this weekend (stickster, 19:12:26)
* Development (stickster, 19:17:05) * asrob already contributed some additional docs on the customizations, he gets an extra beefy miracle (stickster, 19:21:00) * AGREED: Enable Contact module (in core) and add details on team wiki page and how to contact/contribute (stickster, 19:23:59) * ACTION: asrob Enable Contact module and fill in appropriate stuff (stickster, 19:24:11) * stickster is taking a free-form approach to today's meeting since he was short on prep time due to FUDCon (stickster, 19:26:32) * AGREED: We'll get together Sunday afternoon (GMT -7, PHX local) to work on Insight. (stickster, 19:28:26) * AGREED: We'll let everyone know our IRC room, look for us in #fedora-fudcon throughout. (stickster, 19:28:51) * stickster, pcalarco, schendje should be there, others are welcome! (stickster, 19:29:46) * ACTION: asrob and averi will port all changes from asrob's sandbox to pt4 before Sunday (stickster, 19:44:09) * stickster will be on planes all day tomorrow and unavailable (stickster, 19:44:25) * ACTION: stickster Install remaining modules on pt4 (stickster, 19:44:52)
Meeting ended at 19:46:44 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * asrob Enable Contact module and fill in appropriate stuff * asrob and averi will port all changes from asrob's sandbox to pt4 before Sunday * stickster Install remaining modules on pt4
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * asrob * asrob Enable Contact module and fill in appropriate stuff * asrob and averi will port all changes from asrob's sandbox to pt4 before Sunday * averi * asrob and averi will port all changes from asrob's sandbox to pt4 before Sunday * stickster * stickster Install remaining modules on pt4 * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * stickster (107) * averi (41) * asrob (41) * schendje (6) * VileGent (4) * zodbot (4) * gholms (2)
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