Hi! After the holiday's break, let's continue with the effort to release our beloved Spherical Cow!
Fedora 18 Release Readiness Meeting.
date: 2013-01-03 place: irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting-1 time: 19:00 UTC (2 PM Eastern, 11 AM Pacific, 20:00 CET)
This Thursday, January 03, we will meet to make sure we are coordinated and ready for the public release of Fedora 18 on Tuesday, January 08, 2013. Please note that this meeting will occur on January 03 *even if the release is delayed at the Go/No-Go meeting on the same day two hours earlier.*
This meeting works best when we have representatives from all of the teams, so we'll be looking for the following people to attend or send a representative in their place.
We will meet in #fedora-meeting-1 because of conflict in IRC meeting channel schedules.
Ambassadors -- Jiri Eischmann Design -- Máirín Duffy Documentation -- Ben Cotton FESCo -- Kevin Fenzi Fedora Engineering Manager -- Tom "Spot" Callaway Fedora Project Leader -- Robyn Bergeron Infrastructure -- Kevin Fenzi Marketing -- Ruth Suehle Quality -- Adam Williamson Release Engineering -- Dennis Gilmore Translation -- Noriko Mizumoto Websites -- Kévin Raymond
Thanks Jaroslav
============================================== #fedora-meeting-1: F18 Final Readiness Meeting ==============================================
Meeting started by jreznik at 20:09:50 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2013-01-03/f18-final-readi...
Meeting summary --------------- * BIG APOLOGY for one+ hour delay (jreznik, 20:12:20) * Purpose of this meeting (jreznik, 20:12:31) * "Before each public release all of the groups participating the development of Fedora's next release meet to make sure the release is well coordinated." (jreznik, 20:12:45) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Readiness_Meetings (jreznik, 20:12:53)
* Current status (jreznik, 20:13:03) * on the Go/No-Go meeting it was decided to slip one week with release date on Tue 2012-01-15 and Go/No-Go meeting on Wed 2012-01-09 (jreznik, 20:13:53)
* Ambassadors (jreznik, 20:14:08) * sesivany apologies, he had to leave, will send status offline (jreznik, 20:15:37)
* Design (jreznik, 20:16:11) * ryanlerch took care of the website banners for release day and passed them over to the websites team (jreznik, 20:18:35) * sleeve and disc designs available, ryan put together foldable print-at-home versoins of the sleeves (jreznik, 20:19:21) * modifications to the sleeve/disc designs for the european ambassadors are still needed, should be quick (jreznik, 20:19:54) * if any other team is waiting on us for anything let design team know (jreznik, 20:20:16)
* Documentation (jreznik, 20:20:59) * Release Notes still being tweaked, but will be ready for release (bcotton, 20:21:31) * Install Guide nearing completion (in en-US) (bcotton, 20:21:45) * User Guide status currently unknown (bcotton, 20:21:55) * Release Announcement nearing completion. Should be off to marketing for final polish soon. (bcotton, 20:22:46) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_announcement (zoglesby, 20:23:16) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_announcement (bcotton, 20:23:18)
* FESCo (jreznik, 20:26:22) * FESCo is ready, no blocking features nirik is aware of (jreznik, 20:28:09)
* Fedora Engineering Manager (jreznik, 20:28:28) * Fedora Engineering Manager raised nothing except obvious blockers (jreznik, 20:30:12)
* Fedora Project Leader (jreznik, 20:30:25) * Fedora Project Leader raised nothing except past several hours content of Go/No-Go meeting (and no muffins) (jreznik, 20:31:58)
* Infrastructure (jreznik, 20:32:54) * should be all ready to stage content when there is some ready (jreznik, 20:34:33) * primary I2 mirror is still down, but the secondary one we have setup is working fine (jreznik, 20:34:43)
* Marketing (jreznik, 20:35:28) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_announcement (suehle, 20:37:19) * zoglesby, and suehle have been working on the release announcement, and it just needs some features content, which rbergeron said she'd help with (jreznik, 20:38:59) * jreznik to rephrase F19 release part (jreznik, 20:39:32)
* QA (jreznik, 20:39:57) * QA need to get an RC built and validated + commonbugs updated (jreznik, 20:41:13)
* Release Engineering (jreznik, 20:41:41) * Release Engineering is ready (jreznik, 20:44:39)
* Translation (jreznik, 20:45:01)
* Websites (jreznik, 20:48:54) * all the design stuff for the F18 release is ready (jreznik, 20:50:38) * just need to receive keys and ISO sizes when building ISO (jreznik, 20:50:54) * robyduck to coordinate with nirik (jreznik, 20:51:04)
* open floor (jreznik, 20:52:36)
Meeting ended at 20:58:28 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * jreznik (84) * bcotton (11) * nirik (10) * mizmo (10) * rbergeron (9) * robyduck (8) * suehle (4) * zodbot (3) * spot (3) * adamw (2) * Martix (2) * dgilmore (2) * zoglesby (1)
----- Original Message -----
Hi! After the holiday's break, let's continue with the effort to release our beloved Spherical Cow!
Fedora 18 Release Readiness Meeting.
date: 2013-01-03 place: irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting-1 time: 19:00 UTC (2 PM Eastern, 11 AM Pacific, 20:00 CET)
This Thursday, January 03, we will meet to make sure we are coordinated and ready for the public release of Fedora 18 on Tuesday, January 08, 2013. Please note that this meeting will occur on January 03 *even if the release is delayed at the Go/No-Go meeting on the same day two hours earlier.*
This meeting works best when we have representatives from all of the teams, so we'll be looking for the following people to attend or send a representative in their place.
We will meet in #fedora-meeting-1 because of conflict in IRC meeting channel schedules.
Ambassadors -- Jiri Eischmann Design -- Máirín Duffy Documentation -- Ben Cotton FESCo -- Kevin Fenzi Fedora Engineering Manager -- Tom "Spot" Callaway Fedora Project Leader -- Robyn Bergeron Infrastructure -- Kevin Fenzi Marketing -- Ruth Suehle Quality -- Adam Williamson Release Engineering -- Dennis Gilmore Translation -- Noriko Mizumoto Websites -- Kévin Raymond
Thanks Jaroslav _______________________________________________ logistics mailing list logistics@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/logistics
Because my email got bounced back yesterday. I'm sending it again:
Jaroslav Reznik píše v St 02. 01. 2013 v 08:30 -0500:
Hi! After the holiday's break, let's continue with the effort to release our beloved Spherical Cow!
Fedora 18 Release Readiness Meeting.
date: 2013-01-03 place: irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting-1 time: 19:00 UTC (2 PM Eastern, 11 AM Pacific, 20:00 CET)
This Thursday, January 03, we will meet to make sure we are coordinated and ready for the public release of Fedora 18 on Tuesday, January 08, 2013. Please note that this meeting will occur on January 03 *even if the release is delayed at the Go/No-Go meeting on the same day two hours earlier.*
This meeting works best when we have representatives from all of the teams, so we'll be looking for the following people to attend or send a representative in their place.
We will meet in #fedora-meeting-1 because of conflict in IRC meeting channel schedules.
Ambassadors -- Jiri Eischmann Design -- Máirín Duffy Documentation -- Ben Cotton FESCo -- Kevin Fenzi Fedora Engineering Manager -- Tom "Spot" Callaway Fedora Project Leader -- Robyn Bergeron Infrastructure -- Kevin Fenzi Marketing -- Ruth Suehle Quality -- Adam Williamson Release Engineering -- Dennis Gilmore Translation -- Noriko Mizumoto Websites -- Kévin Raymond
Thanks Jaroslav
Hi, sorry I couldn't attend. The meeting got delayed and I'd had to leave before it started.
Ambassadors are ready for the release. There are quite a few release parties scheduled: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_events What complicates our work is big uncertainty when F18 will be released. AFAIK we won't make the 8th and there are several parties schedules right after that. I think their organizers should know ASAP the new release date to reschedule the parties.
What I'd like to ask for is building ISOs for multidesktop and 32/64bit installation DVDs ASAP after F18 is declared gold. We need to deliver F18 media to ambassadors ASAP to get them to release parties, every day matters and this time we decided to let QA test the ISOs which will add 1-2 more days to the process. Having the ISOs available as soon as they can be built would be great.