I think there is an action item missing from the list. I need a full list of questions so I can begin the documentation process.
Meeting minutes:
* * *
Meeting summary
* Agenda (stickster, 18:01:45)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda
(stickster, 18:01:48)
* Roll call (stickster, 18:01:51)
* Last week's action items (stickster, 18:03:57)
(stickster, 18:04:00)
* stickster finished his individual stuff. (stickster, 18:04:31)
* stickster and rbergeron finished their immediate joint AI's too
(stickster, 18:05:10)
* What next? (stickster, 18:06:07)
* EZComments 2.0.0 upgrade seems to have made moderation work
(stickster, 18:06:36)
* ACTION: smooge to figure out (again) if we have uncaptured changes
on stg.fp.o (stickster, 18:26:32)
* ACTION: smooge Figure out what config on proxy.stg sends to the
* app
servers for Insight, so we know both boxes will work properly
(stickster, 18:27:44)
* ACTION: rbergeron Check tickets for Insight in f-infra trac to
ensure each has the "insight" keyword, so we can track with a
* query
instead of a separate list (stickster, 18:28:18)
(stickster, 18:38:22)
* ACTION: stickster to research and maybe try a hand at Drupal
* plugin
like AuthFAS (stickster, 18:48:46)
* ACTION: Sparks_too to research procedure for distributing Drupal
over multiple app/proxy servers (stickster, 18:55:02)
* ACTION: smooge and drak to talk by email about web farm
* requirements
(stickster, 19:14:21)
Meeting ended at 19:17:01 UTC.
Action Items
* smooge to figure out (again) if we have uncaptured changes on
* smooge Figure out what config on proxy.stg sends to the app servers
for Insight, so we know both boxes will work properly
* rbergeron Check tickets for Insight in f-infra trac to ensure each
the "insight" keyword, so we can track with a query instead of a
separate list
* stickster to research and maybe try a hand at Drupal plugin like
* Sparks_too to research procedure for distributing Drupal over
app/proxy servers
* smooge and drak to talk by email about web farm requirements
Action Items, by person
* drak
* smooge and drak to talk by email about web farm requirements
* rbergeron
* rbergeron Check tickets for Insight in f-infra trac to ensure each
has the "insight" keyword, so we can track with a query instead of
* a
separate list
* smooge
* smooge to figure out (again) if we have uncaptured changes on
* smooge Figure out what config on proxy.stg sends to the app
* servers
for Insight, so we know both boxes will work properly
* smooge and drak to talk by email about web farm requirements
* Sparks_too
* Sparks_too to research procedure for distributing Drupal over
multiple app/proxy servers
* stickster
* stickster to research and maybe try a hand at Drupal plugin like
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* stickster (123)
* smooge (57)
* rbergeron (34)
* Sparks_too (26)
* drak (24)
* ianweller (6)
* mchua (5)
* zodbot (4)
* pcalarco (2)
logistics mailing list