2010/12/6 Paul W. Frields <stickster@gmail.com>
The purpose of Insight (initially) is to filter/highlight news,
marketing materials, and information being produced by the Fedora
community that's useful for a wider audience.  In its first phase,
Insight will provide space for the Fedora Weekly News (with RSS feed),
and the ability to editorially mark and republish Fedora Planet posts
(with the author's permission).  In the future we'd like to expand it
to host podcasts and other content.

The intended audience for Insight is people who are interested
primarily in current events and news, as opposed to just general
information about Fedora.  We want to use this site to provide
numerous RSS feeds of information that would be useful to tech writers
and journalists, as well as anyone who wanted to see a "greatest hits"
list of what's going on.

Thanks for the reply, Paul!

So, everyone, here's what I've got right now:


(As always, sources are available in the same folder, if someone wants to give them a spin!)


- I simply used the regular footer. The idea is to have it on all of the Fedora websites to tie them together a bit.
- I incorporated a Fedora bubble instead of a regular rounded corner. I thought it'd be a nice touch for Insight, since it's based on a speech bubble after all (among other things). It makes the page a bit less static (which, I assume, is also why Hiemanshu put it there in the first place).
- The background is now a light blue (I admit I pulled the color out of thin air for now). It's not necessary, but I wanted something that could cover the entire width (just like the headers on www.fpo). It also serves to differentiate Fedora Insight from the rest of the websites.
- The body text, headers and links will have the same colors, sizes and decoration as the ones on www.fpo. (Maybe we can even pull them from the same CSS file?)
- I still have to work on the "Insight" header and menu items, they're pretty much placeholders right now.
- I removed the borders on the left and right, because I feel it's a bit of a heavy-handed and unnecessary way to pull the content together. They're also not used on any of the other websites.

The idea here is that different pages on FI will look like they belong to Insight because of the altered header and background color, but all of them are still recognizable as part of Fedora.

What do you all think?

* Selected Planet posts -- basically what you have there, only it's
 not just the latest, but rather the latest *selected* stuff.

* A summary of and link to the latest Fedora Weekly News (and a way to
 find older issues)

* A widget to download the latest Fedora

* Link to the Marketing team page for people who want to get involved
 in maintaining Insight, or maybe a general get involved link

Great, these are the things I'll put in next. *scribbles on post-it*

Anyone have any ideas on how the content should be divided? If I keep two columns like this, what do each of them contain?
