I just removed 3 blocker bugs yesterday. We have one more left that I would need some help from Simon.
I also tested used InnoDB yesterday on pt14, and it was a no-go. Zikula said it could not find the table for some reason. I dint investigate the reason. If its the only option I could very well look into it.

- Hiemanshu

2010/1/26 Mel Chua <mel@redhat.com>
> Should I take the lack of direct response here to mean that the above
> is accurate? we are targeting that image for the zikula theme?
> --
> Craig

Actually, http://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/c/ce/FooBar.png was an
early conceptual design - there's no set image to refer to for an end
target, since Mo started the current design directly in css.

Generally speaking, "anything that's based on
http://publictest6.fedoraproject.org/zikula/ and looks good" is fair
game right now. The list of bugs to fix is at
which is linked to from

Does this help clear things up?

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