Ok when testing a project it is important to update the /etc/motd file
with the following information:
[fas username] - [date started] [date updated]
project title - project summary
directories/areas looked at.
Project Owner: smooge - Started: 2010-12-31 Updated: 2010-01-30
gnusong - a project to digitize the reading of all source code to a dance beat.
/usr/local/bin, /srv/web/songs
1) Systems that DO NOT have updated motd's will be wiped, reinstalled
to a fresh state and turned off until an RFR is needed for it. Systems
whose last update was over 90 days will also be subject to
wiping/reinstall/turn off.
2) publictest systems are NOT backed up. they are test/scratch systems
that are meant for eventual integration with some sort of
development/staging infrastructure.
3) due to communal nature of systems, people need to work together on
them to make sure they are not overwriting and beating each other up.
Stephen J Smoogen.
"The core skill of innovators is error recovery, not failure avoidance."
Randy Nelson, President of Pixar University.
"Let us be kind, one to another, for most of us are fighting a hard
battle." -- Ian MacLaren