#15: Matching Algorithm for MachineConfig Templates -------------------------+----------------------- Reporter: rpazdera | Owner: somebody Type: enhancement | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Component: component1 | Version: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: #10 | -------------------------+----------------------- We will need to implement an algorithm for matching machineconfig templates against machines within the controller pool.
We outlined it already at the meeting.
It will also be necessary to finalize the set of parameters on which the templates will be matched (for instance, available interfaces and connections, operating system version, kernel version, internet access, hardware requirements, specific driver requirements etc.).
#15: Matching Algorithm for MachineConfig Templates --------------------------+---------------------- Reporter: rpazdera | Owner: somebody Type: enhancement | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Component: component1 | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: #10 --------------------------+----------------------
Comment (by rpazdera):
We made a really good progress on this (in my opinion) with Ondrej yesterday.
We need to test the prototype algorithm (hopefully today) and then refactor/make it nice, so it blends in with the rest of LNST code.
#15: Matching Algorithm for MachineConfig Templates -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: rpazdera | Owner: somebody Type: | Status: new enhancement | Milestone: Allow environment independent Priority: major | recipes Component: component1 | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: #10 -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by jirka):
* milestone: => Allow environment independent recipes
#15: Matching Algorithm for MachineConfig Templates -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: rpazdera | Owner: rpazdera Type: | Status: assigned enhancement | Milestone: Allow environment independent Priority: major | recipes Component: component1 | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: #10 -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by rpazdera):
* owner: somebody => rpazdera * status: new => assigned
#15: Matching Algorithm for MachineConfig Templates -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: rpazdera | Owner: rpazdera Type: | Status: assigned enhancement | Milestone: Allow environment independent Priority: major | recipes Component: component1 | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: #10 -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------
Comment (by rpazdera):
Patches are available in the following series:
https://lists.fedorahosted.org/pipermail/lnst- developers/2012-October/000582.html
#15: Matching Algorithm for MachineConfig Templates -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: rpazdera | Owner: rpazdera Type: | Status: closed enhancement | Milestone: Allow environment independent Priority: major | recipes Component: component1 | Version: Resolution: fixed | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: #10 -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by rpazdera):
* resolution: => fixed * status: assigned => closed