This is misleading. Reader might think what you are actually creatingTue, Jul 12, 2016 at 11:00:30AM CEST, wrote:
>Signed-off-by: Jiri Prochazka <>
> pyrecipes/ | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> pyrecipes/ | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> pyrecipes/ | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> 3 files changed, 115 insertions(+)
> create mode 100644 pyrecipes/
> create mode 100644 pyrecipes/
> create mode 100644 pyrecipes/
>diff --git a/pyrecipes/ b/pyrecipes/
>new file mode 100644
>index 0000000..067fd33
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/pyrecipes/
>@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
>+import lnst
>+def ping_mod_init(if1, if2):
>+ ping_mod = lnst.get_module("IcmpPing",
>+ options={
>+ "addr": if2.get_ip(0),
>+ "count": 10,
>+ "interval": 1,
>+ "iface" : if1.get_devname()})
>+ return ping_mod
>+m1 = lnst.add_host()
>+m2 = lnst.add_host()
>+m1_eth1 = m1.add_interface(label="tnet")
>+m2_eth1 = m2.add_interface(label="tnet")
How about to have lnstMatchTemplate object, somethign like:
mt = lnstMatchTemplate()
h1 = mt.req_host()
h2 = mt.req_host()
while lnst.match(mt)
Looks much cleaner and "lnst" object might be actually re-used for more
match templates.
>+while lnst.match():
>+ m1.sync_resources(modules=["IcmpPing"])
>+ m2.sync_resources(modules=["IcmpPing"])
>+ m1_vlan10 = m1.create_vlan(realdev_iface=m1_eth1, vlan_tci="10", ip="")
>+ m1_vlan20 = m1.create_vlan(realdev_iface=m1_eth1, vlan_tci="20", ip="")
>+ m1_vlan30 = m1.create_vlan(realdev_iface=m1_eth1, vlan_tci="30", ip="")
>+ m2_vlan10 = m2.create_vlan(realdev_iface=m2_eth1, vlan_tci="10", ip="")
>+ m2_vlan20 = m2.create_vlan(realdev_iface=m2_eth1, vlan_tci="20", ip="")
>+ m2_vlan30 = m2.create_vlan(realdev_iface=m2_eth1, vlan_tci="30", ip="")
>+ ping_mod = ping_mod_init(m1_vlan10, m2_vlan10)
>+ ping_mod_bad = ping_mod_init(m1_vlan10, m2_vlan20)
>diff --git a/pyrecipes/ b/pyrecipes/
>new file mode 100644
>index 0000000..32c1b08
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/pyrecipes/
>@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
>+import lnst
>+# if1 ... src
>+# if2 ... dst
>+def ping_mod_init(if1, if2):
>+ ping_mod = lnst.get_module("IcmpPing",
>+ options={
>+ "addr": if2.get_ip(0),
>+ "count": 10,
>+ "interval": 1,
>+ "iface" : if1.get_devname()})
>+ return ping_mod
>+m1 = lnst.add_host()
>+m2 = lnst.add_host()
>+m1_eth1 = m1.add_interface(label="tnet")
>+m1_eth2 = m1.add_interface(label="tnet")
>+m2_eth1 = m2.add_interface(label="tnet")
>+while lnst.match():
>+ m1.sync_resources(modules=["IcmpPing"])
>+ m2.sync_resources(modules=["IcmpPing"])
>+ m2_eth1.reset(ip="")
>+ ping = ping_mod_init(m1_eth1, m2_eth1)
>+ #lnst.breakpoint()
>+ team_if = m1.create_team(slaves=[m1_eth1, m1_eth2])
>+ #lnst.breakpoint()
>+ team_if.reset(ip="")
>+ #lnst.breakpoint()
>+ ping = ping_mod_init(team_if, m2_eth1)
>+ #lnst.breakpoint()
>diff --git a/pyrecipes/ b/pyrecipes/
>new file mode 100644
>index 0000000..e65879d
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/pyrecipes/
>@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
>+import lnst
>+m1 = lnst.add_host()
>+m2 = lnst.add_host()
>+m1_eth1 = m1.add_interface(label="tnet")
>+m2_eth1 = m2.add_interface(label="tnet")
>+while lnst.match():
>+ m1.sync_resources(modules=["Icmp6Ping", "IcmpPing"])
>+ m2.sync_resources(modules=["Icmp6Ping", "IcmpPing"])
>+ lnst.wait(15)
>+ ipv = lnst.get_alias("ipv", default="ipv4")
>+ print "ipv"
>+ print ipv
>+ mtu = lnst.get_alias("mtu", default="1500")
>+ print "mtu"
>+ print mtu
>+ m1_eth1.reset(ip=["", "fc00:0:0:0::1/64"])
>+ m2_eth1.reset(ip=["", "fc00:0:0:0::2/64"])
>+ ping_mod = lnst.get_module("IcmpPing",
>+ options={
>+ "addr": m2_eth1.get_ip(0),
>+ "count": 10,
>+ "interval": 0.1,
>+ "iface" : m1_eth1.get_devname(),
>+ "limit_rate": 90})
>+ ping_mod6 = lnst.get_module("Icmp6Ping",
>+ options={
>+ "addr": m2_eth1.get_ip(1),
>+ "count": 10,
>+ "interval": 0.1,
>+ "iface" : m1_eth1.get_devname(),
>+ "limit_rate": 90})
>+ m1_eth1.set_mtu(mtu)
>+ m2_eth1.set_mtu(mtu)
>+ if ipv in [ 'ipv6', 'both' ]:
>+ if ipv in ['ipv4', 'both' ]:
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