commit f8f642679f7131c5615d8be0863ff97b1d46b3b3
Author: Radek Pazdera <rpazdera(a)>
Date: Wed Jul 18 17:03:37 2012 +0200
NetTestParse: New parser implementation
This patch replaces the original parser with another one that operates
on a different principle. It parses tags in order of their occurence
in the source XML file.
Some other features were added to the parser as well. For instance,
support of advanced error reporting that now includes location of
where the error occured (the exact file name and line number).
The parser is able to export some predefined events, that can be
used to signal the parent code. Parent can register handlers for
these events.
Signed-off-by: Radek Pazdera <rpazdera(a)>
NetTest/ | 614 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
1 files changed, 387 insertions(+), 227 deletions(-)
diff --git a/NetTest/ b/NetTest/
index 68c0058..7869cd0 100644
--- a/NetTest/
+++ b/NetTest/
@@ -10,224 +10,296 @@ __author__ = """
jpirko(a) (Jiri Pirko)
-from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
import logging
import os
import re
-from NetConfig.NetConfigParse import NetConfigParse
-from NetTest.NetTestCommand import str_command
-from Common.XmlPreprocessor import XmlPreprocessor
-def load_file(filename):
- handle = open(filename, "r")
- data =
- handle.close()
- return data
-class WrongCommandSequenceException(Exception):
- pass
-class WrongIncludeSource(Exception):
- pass
-class NetTestParse:
- def __init__(self, recipe_path):
- recipe_path = os.path.expanduser(recipe_path)
- self._recipe_xml_string = load_file(recipe_path)
- self._dirpath = os.path.dirname(recipe_path)
- self._recipe = None
- self._xml_prep = XmlPreprocessor()
- def _get_referenced_xml_path(self, filename):
- return os.path.join(self._dirpath, os.path.expanduser(filename))
- def _parse_machine(self, dom_machine):
- machine = {}
- dom_netmachineconfig = dom_machine.getElementsByTagName("netmachineconfig")[0]
- netmachineconfig_xml = dom_netmachineconfig.toxml()
- dom_netconfig = dom_machine.getElementsByTagName("netconfig")[0]
- netconfig_xml = dom_netconfig.toxml()
- ncparse = NetConfigParse(netmachineconfig_xml)
- machine["info"] = ncparse.get_machine_info()
- machine["netmachineconfig_xml"] = netmachineconfig_xml
- machine["netconfig_xml"] = netconfig_xml
- return machine
- def _parse_machines(self, dom_machines_grp):
- machines = {}
- for dom_machines_item in dom_machines_grp:
- dom_machines = dom_machines_item.getElementsByTagName("machine")
- for dom_machine in dom_machines:
- machine_id = int(dom_machine.getAttribute("id"))
- machines[machine_id] = self._parse_machine(dom_machine)
- return machines
- def _parse_definitions(self, dom_definitions_grp):
- xml_prep = self._xml_prep
- definitions = {}
- for dom_definitions_item in dom_definitions_grp:
- dom_aliases = dom_definitions_item.getElementsByTagName("alias")
- for dom_alias in dom_aliases:
- alias_name = str(dom_alias.getAttribute("name"))
- alias_value = str(dom_alias.getAttribute("value"))
- xml_prep.define_alias(alias_name, alias_value)
+from Common.XmlProcessing import RecipeParser
+from Common.XmlProcessing import XmlDomTreeInit
+from Common.XmlProcessing import XmlProcessingError
+from NetConfig.NetConfigDevNames import normalize_hwaddr
- def parse_recipe(self):
- recipe = {}
- dom = parseString(self._recipe_xml_string)
- xml_prep = self._xml_prep
- xml_prep.remove_comments(dom)
- self._load_included_parts(dom)
- dom_nettestrecipe = dom.getElementsByTagName("nettestrecipe")[0]
- dom_definitions_grp = dom_nettestrecipe.getElementsByTagName("define")
- self._parse_definitions(dom_definitions_grp)
- for define_tag in dom_definitions_grp:
- parent = define_tag.parentNode
- parent.removeChild(define_tag)
- dom_machines_grp = dom_nettestrecipe.getElementsByTagName("machines")
- xml_prep.expand_group(dom_machines_grp)
- recipe["machines"] = self._parse_machines(dom_machines_grp)
- dom_switches_grp = dom_nettestrecipe.getElementsByTagName("switches")
- xml_prep.expand_group(dom_switches_grp)
- recipe["switches"] = self._parse_machines(dom_switches_grp)
- self._recipe = recipe
- self._dom_nettestrecipe = dom_nettestrecipe
- xml_prep.define_alias("recipe", recipe, skip_reserved_check=True)
- def get_recipe(self):
- return self._recipe
- def _load_included_parts(self, dom_node):
- if dom_node.nodeType == dom_node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- source = str(dom_node.getAttribute("source"))
- if source:
- file_path = self._get_referenced_xml_path(source)
- xml_data = load_file(file_path)
- dom = parseString(xml_data)
- loaded_node = None
- try:
- loaded_node = dom.getElementsByTagName(dom_node.nodeName)[0]
- except Exception:
- err = ("No '%s' node present in included file '%s'."
- % (dom_node.nodeName, file_path))
- raise WrongIncludeSource(err)
- parent = dom_node.parentNode
- parent.replaceChild(loaded_node, dom_node)
- self._load_included_parts(loaded_node)
- return
- for child in dom_node.childNodes:
- self._load_included_parts(child)
- def _recipe_eval(self, eval_data):
- try:
- return str(eval("self._recipe%s" % eval_data))
- except (KeyError, IndexError):
- logging.error("Wrong recipe_eval value \"%s\" passed"
- % eval_data)
- raise Exception
- @classmethod
- def _int_it(cls, val):
- try:
- num = int(val)
- except ValueError:
- num = 0
- return num
+class NetTestParse(RecipeParser):
+ def __init__(self, recipe_filepath):
+ super(NetTestParse, self).__init__()
- @classmethod
- def _bool_it(cls, val):
- if isinstance(val, str):
- if re.match("^\s*(?i)(true)", val):
- return True
- elif re.match("^\s*(?i)(false)", val):
- return False
- return True if cls._int_it(val) else False
+ self._filepath = recipe_filepath
+ self._include_root = os.path.dirname(recipe_filepath)
- def _parse_command_option(self, dom_option, options):
- logging.debug("Parsing command option")
- option_type = str(dom_option.getAttribute("type"))
- orig_value = None
- if not option_type:
- name = str(dom_option.getAttribute("name"))
- value = str(dom_option.getAttribute("value"))
- elif option_type == "recipe_eval":
- name = str(dom_option.getAttribute("name"))
- orig_value = str(dom_option.getAttribute("value"))
- value = str(self._recipe_eval(orig_value))
+ self._recipe = {}
+ self._template_proc.set_definitions({"recipe": self._recipe})
+ def parse_recipe(self):
+ dom_init = XmlDomTreeInit()
+ xml_dom = dom_init.parse_file(self._filepath)
+ self._parse(xml_dom)
+ def _parse(self, xml_dom):
+ if xml_dom.nodeType == xml_dom.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ scheme = {"nettestrecipe": self._nettestrecipe}
+ self._process_child_nodes(xml_dom, scheme)
- logging.error("Unknown option type \"%s\"" % option_type)
- raise Exception("Unknown option type")
- logging.debug("Command option name \"%s\", value \"%s\""
- % (name, value))
- option = {"value": value}
- if option_type:
- option["type"] = option_type
- if orig_value:
- option["orig_value"] = orig_value
- if not name in options:
- options[name] = []
- options[name].append(option)
+ raise XmlProcessingError("Passed object is not a XML document")
+ def _nettestrecipe(self, node, params):
+ scheme = {"machines": self._machines,
+ "switches": self._switches,
+ "command_sequence": self._command_sequence}
+ self._process_child_nodes(node, scheme)
+ def _machines(self, node, params):
+ self._recipe["machines"] = {}
+ scheme = {"machine": self._machine}
+ self._process_child_nodes(node, scheme)
+ def _machine(self, node, params):
+ subparser = MachineParse(self)
+ subparser.set_type("host")
+ subparser.parse(node)
+ def _switches(self, node, params):
+ self._recipe["switches"] = {}
+ scheme = {"switch": self._switch}
+ self._process_child_nodes(node, scheme)
+ def _switch(self, node, params):
+ subparser = MachineParse(self)
+ subparser.set_type("switch")
+ subparser.parse(node)
+ def _command_sequence(self, node, params):
+ if not "sequences" in self._recipe:
+ self._recipe["sequences"] = []
+ subparser = CommandSequenceParse(self)
+ subparser.parse(node)
+class MachineParse(RecipeParser):
+ _target = "machines"
+ def set_type(self, machine_type):
+ if machine_type == "host":
+ self._target = "machines"
+ elif machine_type == "switch":
+ self._target = "switches"
+ else:
+ raise XmlProcessingError("Unknown machine type")
- def _parse_command(self, dom_command):
- logging.debug("Parsing command")
- recipe = self._recipe
- tmp = dom_command.getAttribute("machine_id")
- if tmp:
- machine_id = int(tmp)
- if machine_id and not machine_id in recipe["machines"]:
- logging.error("Invalid machine id")
- raise Exception("Invalid machine id")
+ def parse(self, node):
+ self._id = self._get_attribute(node, "id", int)
+ self._machine = {}
+ self._recipe[self._target][self._id] = self._machine
+ self._machine["info"] = {}
+ self._machine["netdevices"] = {}
+ self._machine["netconfig"] = {}
+ scheme = {"netmachineconfig": self._netmachineconfig,
+ "netconfig": self._netconfig }
+ self._process_child_nodes(node, scheme)
+ def _netmachineconfig(self, node, params):
+ subparser = NetMachineConfigParse(self)
+ subparser.set_machine(self._id, self._machine)
+ subparser.parse(node)
+ def _netconfig(self, node, params):
+ subparser = NetConfigParse(self)
+ subparser.set_machine(self._id, self._machine)
+ subparser.parse(node)
+class NetMachineConfigParse(RecipeParser):
+ _machine_id = None
+ _machine = None
+ def set_machine(self, machine_id, machine):
+ self._machine_id = machine_id
+ self._machine = machine
+ def parse(self, node):
+ scheme = {"info": self._info,
+ "netdevice": self._phys_netdevice}
+ self._process_child_nodes(node, scheme)
+ def _info(self, node, params):
+ machine = self._machine
+ info = machine["info"]
+ info["hostname"] = self._get_attribute(node, "hostname")
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "rootpass"):
+ info["rootpass"] = self._get_attribute(node, "rootpass")
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "rpcport"):
+ info["rpcport"] = self._get_attribute(node, "rpcport", int)
+ info["system_config"] = {}
+ self._trigger_event("machine_info_ready",
+ {"machine_id": self._machine_id})
+ def _phys_netdevice(self, node, params):
+ machine = self._machine
+ phys_id = self._get_attribute(node, "phys_id", int)
+ dev = machine["netdevices"][phys_id] = {}
+ dev["type"] = self._get_attribute(node, "type")
+ dev["hwaddr"] = normalize_hwaddr(self._get_attribute(node, "hwaddr"))
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "name"):
+ dev["name"] = self._get_attribute(node, "name")
+ self._trigger_event("netdevice_ready", {"machine_id": self._machine_id,
+ "dev_id": phys_id})
+class NetConfigParse(RecipeParser):
+ _machine_id = None
+ _machine = None
+ def set_machine(self, machine_id, machine):
+ self._machine_id = machine_id
+ self._machine = machine
+ def parse(self, node):
+ netconfig = self._machine["netconfig"]
+ self._netconfig = netconfig
+ devices = self._machine["netdevices"]
+ self._devices = devices
+ scheme = {"netdevice": self._netdevice}
+ self._process_child_nodes(node, scheme)
+ def _netdevice(self, node, params):
+ netconfig = self._netconfig
+ devices = self._devices
+ dev_id = self._get_attribute(node, "id", int)
+ if not dev_id in netconfig:
+ netconfig[dev_id] = {}
- machine_id = 0 # controller id
- cmd_type = str(dom_command.getAttribute("type"))
- value = str(dom_command.getAttribute("value"))
- command = {"type": cmd_type, "value": value, "machine_id": machine_id}
- tmp = dom_command.getAttribute("timeout")
- if tmp:
- command["timeout"] = int(tmp)
- tmp = dom_command.getAttribute("bg_id")
- if tmp:
- command["bg_id"] = int(tmp)
- tmp = dom_command.getAttribute("desc")
- if tmp:
- command["desc"] = str(tmp)
- logging.debug("Parsed command: [%s]" % str_command(command))
- if cmd_type == "system_config":
- tmp = dom_command.getAttribute("option")
- if tmp:
- command["option"] = str(tmp)
- tmp = dom_command.getAttribute("persistent")
- if tmp:
- command["persistent"] = self._bool_it(tmp)
+ msg = "Netdevice 'id' used more than once"
+ raise XmlProcessingError(msg, node)
+ dev = netconfig[dev_id]
+ dev["type"] = self._get_attribute(node, "type")
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "phys_id"):
+ self._process_phys_id_attr(node, dev)
+ params = {"dev_id": dev_id}
+ scheme = {"addresses": self._addresses}
+ if dev["type"] == "eth":
+ pass
+ elif dev["type"] in ["bond", "bridge", "vlan", "macvlan", "team"]:
+ scheme["options"] = self._options
+ scheme["slaves"] = self._slaves
+ else:
+ logging.warn("unknown type \"%s\"" % dev["type"])
+ self._process_child_nodes(node, scheme, params)
+ self._trigger_event("interface_config_ready",
+ {"machine_id": self._machine_id,
+ "netdev_config_id": dev_id})
+ def _process_phys_id_attr(self, node, dev):
+ netconfig = self._netconfig
+ devices = self._devices
+ if dev["type"] == "eth":
+ phys_id = self._get_attribute(node, "phys_id", int)
+ self._check_phys_id(node, phys_id, netconfig)
+ dev["phys_id"] = phys_id
+ if phys_id in devices:
+ phys_dev = devices[phys_id]
+ if phys_dev["type"] == dev["type"]:
+ dev["hwaddr"] = phys_dev["hwaddr"]
+ if "name" in phys_dev:
+ dev["name"] = phys_dev["name"]
- command["persistent"] = False
+ msg = "phys_id passed but does not match any device on machine"
+ raise XmlProcessingError(msg, node)
+ else:
+ logging.warn("phys_id found on non-eth netdev, ignoring")
+ @staticmethod
+ def _check_phys_id(node, dev_pid, config):
+ for key in config:
+ if not "phys_id" in config[key]:
+ continue
+ if config[key]["phys_id"] == dev_pid:
+ msg = "same phys_id \"%d\" used more than once" % dev_pid
+ raise XmlProcessingError(msg, node)
+ def _addresses(self, node, params):
+ self._list_init(node, params, "addresses", {"address": self._address})
+ def _address(self, node, params):
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "value"):
+ addr = self._get_attribute(node, "value")
+ else:
+ addr = self._get_text_content(node)
+ dev_id = params["dev_id"]
+ self._netconfig[dev_id]["addresses"].append(addr)
+ def _options(self, node, params):
+ self._list_init(node, params, "options", {"option": self._option})
- dom_options_grp = dom_command.getElementsByTagName("options")
- options = {}
- for dom_options_item in dom_options_grp:
- dom_options = dom_options_item.getElementsByTagName("option")
- for dom_option in dom_options:
- self._parse_command_option(dom_option, options)
- if options:
- command["options"] = options
- return command
+ def _option(self, node, params):
+ name = self._get_attribute(node, "name")
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "value"):
+ value = self._get_attribute(node, "value")
+ else:
+ value = self._get_text_content(node)
+ dev_id = params["dev_id"]
+ self._netconfig[dev_id]["options"].append((name, value))
+ def _slaves(self, node, params):
+ self._list_init(node, params, "slaves", {"slave": self._slave})
+ def _slave(self, node, params):
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "id"):
+ slave_id = self._get_attribute(node, "id", int)
+ else:
+ slave_id = self._get_text_content(node, int)
+ dev_id = params["dev_id"]
+ self._netconfig[dev_id]["slaves"].append(slave_id)
+ def _list_init(self, node, params, node_name, scheme):
+ dev_id = params["dev_id"]
+ dev = self._netconfig[dev_id]
+ dev[node_name] = []
+ self._process_child_nodes(node, scheme, params)
+class CommandSequenceParse(RecipeParser):
+ def parse(self, node):
+ sequences = self._recipe["sequences"]
+ sequences.append([])
+ seq_num = len(sequences) - 1
+ self._seq_num = seq_num
+ self._seq_node = node
+ scheme = {"command": self._command}
+ self._process_child_nodes(node, scheme)
+ self._check_sequence(sequences[seq_num])
+ def _command(self, node, params):
+ subparser = CommandParse(self)
+ subparser.set_seq_num(self._seq_num)
+ subparser.parse(node)
def _check_sequence(self, sequence):
err = False
@@ -245,7 +317,7 @@ class NetTestParse:
logging.error("Found command \"%s\" for bg_id \"%s\" on "
"machine \"%d\" which was not previously "
- "defined" % (cmd_type, bg_id, machine_id))
+ "defined", cmd_type, bg_id, machine_id)
err = True
if "bg_id" in command:
@@ -254,29 +326,117 @@ class NetTestParse:
logging.error("Command \"%d\" uses bg_id \"%d\" on machine "
- "\"%d\" which is already used"
- % (i, bg_id, machine_id))
+ "\"%d\" which is already used",
+ i, bg_id, machine_id)
err = True
for machine_id in bg_ids:
for bg_id in bg_ids[machine_id]:
logging.error("bg_id \"%d\" on machine \"%d\" has no kill/wait "
- "command to it" % (bg_id, machine_id))
- err= True
+ "command to it", bg_id, machine_id)
+ err = True
if err:
- raise WrongCommandSequenceException
- def parse_recipe_command_sequence(self):
- dom_sequences = self._dom_nettestrecipe.getElementsByTagName("command_sequence")
- xml_prep = self._xml_prep
- xml_prep.expand_group(dom_sequences)
- self._recipe["sequences"] = []
- for dom_sequence in dom_sequences:
- sequence = []
- dom_commands = dom_sequence.getElementsByTagName("command")
- for dom_command in dom_commands:
- sequence.append(self._parse_command(dom_command))
- self._check_sequence(sequence)
- self._recipe["sequences"].append(sequence)
+ msg = "Incorrect command sequence"
+ raise XmlProcessingError(msg, self._seq_node)
+class CommandParse(RecipeParser):
+ _seq_num = None
+ _cmd_num = None
+ def set_seq_num(self, num):
+ self._seq_num = num
+ def parse(self, node):
+ recipe = self._recipe
+ command = {}
+ recipe["sequences"][self._seq_num].append(command)
+ self._cmd_num = len(recipe["sequences"][self._seq_num]) - 1
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "machine_id"):
+ machine_id = self._get_attribute(node, "machine_id", int)
+ if machine_id and not machine_id in recipe["machines"]:
+ raise XmlProcessingError("Invalid machine_id", node)
+ else:
+ machine_id = 0 # controller id
+ command["machine_id"] = machine_id
+ command["type"] = self._get_attribute(node, "type")
+ command["value"] = self._get_attribute(node, "value")
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "timeout"):
+ command["timeout"] = self._get_attribute(node, "timeout", int)
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "bg_id"):
+ command["bg_id"] = self._get_attribute(node, "bg_id", int)
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "desc"):
+ command["desc"] = self._get_attribute(node, "desc")
+ if command["type"] == "system_config":
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "option"):
+ command["option"] = self._get_attribute(node, "option")
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "persistent"):
+ command["persistent"] = self._get_attribute(node, "persistent",
+ self._bool_it)
+ else:
+ command["persistent"] = False
+ scheme = {"options": self._options}
+ self._process_child_nodes(node, scheme)
+ def _options(self, node, params):
+ seq = self._seq_num
+ cmd = self._cmd_num
+ self._recipe["sequences"][seq][cmd]["options"] = {}
+ scheme = {"option": self._option}
+ self._process_child_nodes(node, scheme)
+ def _option(self, node, params):
+ seq = self._seq_num
+ cmd = self._cmd_num
+ options = self._recipe["sequences"][seq][cmd]["options"]
+ name = self._get_attribute(node, "name")
+ if not name in options:
+ options[name] = []
+ option = {}
+ options[name].append(option)
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "type"):
+ opt_type = self._get_attribute(node, "type")
+ option["type"] = opt_type
+ else:
+ opt_type = "default"
+ if opt_type == "default":
+ if self._has_attribute(node, "value"):
+ value = self._get_attribute(node, "value")
+ else:
+ value = self._get_text_content(node)
+ option["value"] = value
+ else:
+ msg = "Unknown option type \"%s\"" % opt_type
+ raise XmlProcessingError(msg, node)
+ @classmethod
+ def _int_it(cls, val):
+ try:
+ num = int(val)
+ except ValueError:
+ num = 0
+ return num
+ @classmethod
+ def _bool_it(cls, val):
+ if isinstance(val, str):
+ if re.match("^\s*(?i)(true)", val):
+ return True
+ elif re.match("^\s*(?i)(false)", val):
+ return False
+ return True if cls._int_it(val) else False