On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 6:51 AM, Anne Wilson <cannewilson@googlemail.com> wrote:
On Monday 04 August 2008 23:06:16 Richard Shaw wrote:
> > I can't Richard.  It doesn't recognise any commands, and the file system
> > isn't
> > accessible if I boot from the hard drive.
> >
> > Anne
> You'll have to rezero your overlay file and start over then... You can do
> it manually from a windows or linux box but the dd command is a little
> different for each. On a linux box it's something like:
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/mount/path/LiveOS/overlay-{LABEL}-{UUID} bs=1M
> count={size of overlay in MB}
> Or on windows (the dd.exe is located under tools in the liveusb-creator
> directory)
> dd.exe if=/dev/zero of={drive letter}:\LiveOS\overlay-{LABEL}-{UUID} bs=1M
> count={size of overlay in MB}
> Just look at the current name of your overlay file and overwrite it rather
> than looking up the LABEL and UUID.
> I, like others, have created an extra entry in my syslinx.cfg without the
> overlay option just in case I hose my overlay file and still want to be
> able to use it.

Hi, Richard.  I decided that I might as well start again from the
beginning :-)

The install seems to go well enough, as does the update, right to the very
end.  I glanced at the screen when it had about 5 packages still to go in the
cleanup, but the next time I looked it said:

File "usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dbus/connection.py", line 597, in
message.append(signature=signature, *args)
TypeError: More items found in D-Bus signature than in Python arguments.

Is this a big problem?

I've never seen that one before. 

I had removed /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules, but I see it has been
created again.  This time there is also a 50-udev.nodes.  Do I delete both of

Anything else I need to deal with before attempting a reboot?


I probably should have chosen my words more carefully. I believe you want one file called 50-udev-default.rules, but when yum updates the udev package it chooses to not overwrite the existing file and instead creates a file called 50-udev-default.rules.rpmnew. Unfortunately, it appears that udev requests all files called 50-udev-default* or something like that and finds two matching files. Since it doesn't know which one to choose it choses neither and dumps you to a bash shell.

This is what I have inferred from it. There are seveal on this list that know more about udev than I.
