   I have some yum install commands in my kickstart file and when I run livecd-creator --config=my.ks in fc7,  I got this temp folder left on my box.
/dev/loop0             4128448    139380   3947128   4% /var/tmp/livecd-creator-Sy190t/install_root

   And after burn the iso into a CD and install it, I got extra two (first two) partitions on the box.
rootfs  ...  /
udev    ... /dev
                       1511856   1089732    406764  73% /
tmpfs                  1946924         0   1946924   0% /dev/shm

  And the liveinst command will fail.

  If there is no yum install commands in my.ks file,  I only got the following on the box after install with the CD.
                       1511856   1089732    406764  73% /
tmpfs                  1946924         0   1946924   0% /dev/shm

  And the liveinst command will success.

There is no problem in fedora 8 even with yum command in my.ks. livecd-creator/liveinst will success in f8

So looks like livecd-creator can only handle simple ks file but can not handle yum install commands in ks file.

Any ideas?


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