
We are using livecd-tools-13.4-2.el6.x86_64 rpm on RHEL6.We found a bug in the livecd-creator tool where he empties the /etc/resolv.conf while doing selinux configurations. In /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/imgcreate/kickstart.py(installed by python-imgcreate-13.4-2.el6.x86_64 rpm), class SelinuxConfig in the function relabel opens the listed files (/etc/resolv.conf) with mode "w+". This truncates the file as we have seen. Changing this to "a+" fixes the issue.

class SelinuxConfig(KickstartConfig):
    """A class to apply a kickstart selinux configuration to a system."""
    def relabel(self, ksselinux):
        # touch some files which get unhappy if they're not labeled correctly
        for fn in ("/etc/resolv.conf",):
            path = self.path(fn)
            f = file(path, "a+")
            os.chmod(path, 0644)


Did any one come across this issue?


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